Strongest country and largest economy chancellor Angela Merkel says she would prefer a new elections if the talks continue to go nowhere her political future now hangs in the balance. Also coming up at zimbabwes ruling party moves to impeach a president mugabes party says the proceedings are likely to start tomorrow after Robert Mugabe ignored a deadline today to resign. I bring coffee its good to have you with us tonight in germany has been thrust into Political Uncertainty talks to form a new Coalition Government collapsed late on sunday after four weeks of marathon negotiations the german president says that he will meet with the leaders of all the Political Parties impress them to try once more to cut a deal meanwhile chancellor Angela Merkel is weighing her options tonight she says that shes ready to run for chancellor again in a new election if necessary. The german chancellor would have gladly spared herself and germany from this walk of shame but after the collapse of Coalition
The smaller parties in the full way negotiations business the business friendly free democrats under their leader christiane. That pulled out saying there was no shared vision and not enough trust to form a new government at all leaves chancellor Angela Merkels future hanging in the balance she was aiming to begin a full term in office now though all the talk is of possible fresh elections and in the meantime a long period of damaging uncertainty for germany and europe so our question here on our quadriga special show is Coalition Talks collapse disaster for germany and to discuss that question im joined here in the studio by three excellent guests beginning with venice on a journalist and author and one of the outstanding commentators on german politics and over four decades of. Also with this is alan posner welcome back alan hes a commentator for devotes newspaper and a very warm welcome two to. Rick how man from another berlin based elite attempts or talks site to. Thank you both fo
A new Coalition Government following septembers election broke down it was one of the smaller parties in the four way negotiations business the business friendly three democrats under their leader Christiane Clinton that pulled out saying there was no shared vision and not enough trust to form a new government at all leaves chancellor Angela Merkels future hanging in the balance she was aiming to begin a full term in office now though all the talk is of possible fresh elections and in the meantime a long period of damaging uncertainty for germany and europe so our question here on our quadriga special show is Coalition Talks collapse disaster for germany and to discuss that question im joined here in the studio by three excellent guests beginning with venice on a journalist and author and one of the outstanding commentators on german politics and over four decades old. Also with this is alan posner welcome back alan. Hes a commentator for devos newspaper and a very warm welcome to to a
A new Coalition Government following september election broke down it was one of the smaller parties in the four way negotiations the business friendly free democrats under their leader christiane. That polls. Saying there was no shared vision and not enough trust to form a new government at all leaves chancellor Angela Merkels future hanging in the balance she was aiming to begin a full term in office now though all the talk is of possible fresh elections and in the meantime a long period of damaging uncertainty for germany and europe so our question here on our quadriga special show is Coalition Talks collapse disaster for germany and to discuss that question im joined here in the studio by three excellent guests beginning with venice on a journalist and author and one of the outstanding commentators on german politics and over four decades of. Also with this is alan posner welcome back alan hes a commentator for deep. Thats newspaper and a very warm welcome to two old rick hammond f
Also coming out, zimbabwes ruling party moves to impeach the president. Robert moog got a the president ignored they call to resign. Brent germany has been thrust into political uncertainty. Talks to form a new Coalition Government collapsed late on sunday after four weeks of marathon negotiations. They could the german president will try to cut a deal. Johnson a Angela Merkel is weighing her options tonight. She says she is ready to run for chancellor again in a new election if necessary. She would have gladly spared herself and germany from this walk of shame but after the collapse of Coalition Talks it is up to the german president to decide what the next step will be. Forming a new government is always a difficult political process involving struggle and disagreement. This is possibly the most important task that voters give their representatives within a democracy. The german president plans to make up for talks with various parties over the next few days. He has told his own part