Special Olympics’ Jackalope Jump returned to Laramie last Saturday as a part of the annual fundraising campaign to raise money for athletes locally and across the state.
Frigid fundraiser for Special Olympics Wyoming to be held March 13 in Casper By Greg Hirst on March 2, 2021
The Jackalope Jump (Special Olympics Wyoming)
CASPER, Wyo Casper’s Jackalope Jump, the annual frigid plunge to raise money for Special Olympics Wyoming athletes, is scheduled for Saturday, March 13, at the Restoration Church parking lot. It will run for one hour, from 10:00 am-11.
“Friends, neighbors, and co-workers form teams across the state and participate in at least one jump,” the event post states.
Funds raised help over 1,800 Special Olympics Wyoming athletes practice and compete in the 2021 winter and summer seasons at no cost to them or their families. Similar events are held across the state.