nobody is talking about banning guns. jack, sorry. your slippery slope argument is not going to work today. the vie word on the left is always common sense gun control. and it usually means restriction of the second amendment. what i am saying to you, if you want to put it on the table, you also have to tell me why when gun purchases went up, did the crime rate go down? and why school shootings and mass shootings went up. got it! to a gun-free zone jack, we re done. saw these mentally disturbed people always attack soft targets. jack, david, thank you. thanks. let s get to chris. there s progress. all right, joining us now is democratic congressman, hakim jeffries of new york. tell me i m wrong. congressman, first of all, always good to have you. good to see you. so gun control, any type of meaningful legislation, is it just the reality that it will only exist at the state level. after newtown, you saw connecticut move, the government
one. that s absolutely wrong. nra, the terrorist group, as we re hearing not just i give that student who s upset the right to say that. thank you. it s irresponsible for an adult to say it, but the nra has spent thousands of dollars on gun safety and gun training. my children have gone through eddie eagle. by the way, i m not a member of the nra. why not, if you like it so much? because i believe in what their i believe in the second amendment, but they have absolutely, positively promoted the intersection that david s talking about, of gun purchases and mental health you ve been on the house floor for those votes, jack. absolutely not. why has congress not voted on this issue is because the nra has coordinated with republican leadership in congress to not allow a gun vote. you know that. they just had one in december. what are you talking about? it was, richard hudson just passed a bill in december 2017. yeah, national right to carry reciprocity, to expand gun r
by some left-wing group. they were motivated from what they saw and what they endured alisyn, i don t doubt they re sincerity yes, you do, jack. i absolutely know these children are heartbroken. but i also know they probably do not have the logistical ability jack. to plan a nationwide rally that s sill. without it being hijacked by groups that already had they re already doing it. they re on buses going to the state legislature today. they re 17 years old. they can figure this out. and they have the money for the bus and they re ready to go. i just have a hard time believing it wow. david, your thoughts? come on. jack. jack, jack, jack, you re a friend. who cares who s paying for the gasoline for them to get their voice to legislatures. i support their right to discuss confiscation they are not getting out a left-wing confiscation message. they are suggesting that, yes, there can be a constitutional well, when you call the nra a
actually, it fixes hold on. hold on. you re speaking over each other. it fits background checks and it is the bipartisan bill that pat murphy, who is a very, very pro-gun control senator and john cornyn, who is a second amendment senator, are taking up in the senate. jack. hey, jack, just one second. you know that listen. after las vegas, after the hideous carnage there, it seemed that the simplest thing in the world would be to ban bump stocks from being purchased on the internet. we didn t even know what bump stocks were. they turn your semi-automatic into an automatic for even more carnage. and they couldn t do it, jack, in congress. it was in the hudson bill in december. they couldn t do it. they couldn t ban it. the hudson bill in december addressed no, in december, the hudson bill addressed bump stocks. and? it is in front of the u.s. senate right now. why haven t they voted on it? i m not a u.s. senator. listen, one thing david and i
would always agree on, alisyn, is that the u.s. senate would drive you crazy as a house member. but let me say this. uh-huh. i absolutely respect the right to put gun buying on the table. let s put mental health on the table and talk about cultural changes for example, let me raise the hair on somebody s head right now. i heard a thoughtful discussion about school prayer and morality back in the public discussion and nobody from the left is going to, oh, school prayer, that s hardly a part of the problem. but you know what, what if it is? well, jack, i hear you. listen, i got it. you want the whole thing on the table. that s great. but as you know, what these kids have said, the time for hope and prayer is over. the hopes and prayers from people have only gone so far and 17 of their loved ones are dead. david, you know mitch mcconnell.