actually, it fixes hold on. hold on. you re speaking over each other. it fits background checks and it is the bipartisan bill that pat murphy, who is a very, very pro-gun control senator and john cornyn, who is a second amendment senator, are taking up in the senate. jack. hey, jack, just one second. you know that listen. after las vegas, after the hideous carnage there, it seemed that the simplest thing in the world would be to ban bump stocks from being purchased on the internet. we didn t even know what bump stocks were. they turn your semi-automatic into an automatic for even more carnage. and they couldn t do it, jack, in congress. it was in the hudson bill in december. they couldn t do it. they couldn t ban it. the hudson bill in december addressed no, in december, the hudson bill addressed bump stocks. and? it is in front of the u.s. senate right now. why haven t they voted on it? i m not a u.s. senator. listen, one thing david and i