Top police sources said the recent attacks in Srinagar could have a Jaish link. The police believe that the arrest of the three men will open more leads for them
Police said the killed militant belonged to The Resistance Front (TRF), which police claims is a shadow group of Laskhkar-e-Toiba (LeT). Searches are going on to find if there are any other militants in the area.
On Wednesday morning, the militants targeted a joint team of security forces, comprising Army and police personnel, and killed three officers, including a Jammu and Kashmir Deputy Superintendent of Police. The number of casualties among the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir has so far remained low this year but with the three deaths on Wednesday, the number has climbed to 20 compared to 28 till September 2022. The total number of soldiers killed during the anti-militancy operations in J&K was 30 last year.
According to officials, the joint search and cordon operation, Operation Trinetra II, was launched in the area following specific inputs Monday and contact with militants was established in the evening.