The stage and movie industry in Nigeria was thrown into deep mourning on Wednesday with the news that the iconic actress, Folake Aremu, who is popular as Orisabunmi, had passed on. The fiery actress who was once married to another legend of the stage and screen Jimoh Aliu at the early stages of her career, reportedly died on Tuesday night at her Ibadan residence after a brief illness same day.
Aged 61, the actress earned the alias Orisabunmi after she delightfully interpreted the role of a pacifying priestess Orisabunmi in a 1987 TV series Arelu produced by her former husband Jimoh Aliu who passed on in October 2019. She was later to feature as the priestess Orisabunmi in most stage and screen production of the ’90s.
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JUST IN: Orisabunmi is dead
TAMPAN confirms Orisabunmi’ s death
With poetic lines the president of the Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN), Bolaji Amusan, popularly known as Mr Latin, has announced the death of one of the shinning lights of the movie industry, Chief Mrs Folakemi Aremu aka Orishabunmi.
The message reads:
“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?
“It is so sad we lost a Priceless Jewel, a very rare gem in Nigerian Film Industry, Chief Mrs Folakemi Aremu aka Orishabunmi to the cold hands of death last night. She passed on at 61 after a brief illmess at 11pm, Tuesday 4th 2021.