Hyderabad Deputy Commissioner of Police has instructed the individuals selling firecrackers on the eve of Diwali, within the GHMC limits should take a temporary license. Traders who wanted to sell the firecrackers during Diwali will have to apply for a temporary license from the police by submitting the required documents online. As per the officials, the trades has to file
Ad featuring Aamir Khan creating 'unrest among Hindus': Karnataka BJP MP Ananthkumar Hegde - In the advertisement, superstar Aamir Khan is shown advising people not to burst firecrackers on the streets.
#NoBindiNoBusiness: Outrage over FabIndia's Diwali collection takes a new turn - While a lot of Twitter users spoke about how a bindi was part of their identity, others argued that wearing a bindi should be a personal choice.