he might be in the wind going the other way. we can t rule out that he may be looking to do another attack. we can t eliminate the possibility right now. there was a key shift overnight. he was a person of interest yesterday. they found the u-haul keys on the scene, found the van outside. he was a person of interest. then they crossed an vorn investigative line using the definition suspect. how do you get from point a to point b there? that s a line partly for public consumption. you don t want trial by media. there are high-profile cases when they name someone as a suspect, turns out to be wrong. if you look at the resources to hunt someone like this, think of a spider web around a human being. a debit card, a credit card, you can t rent a car, you can t go to a hotel. you can t go to friends and female, email, text, anytime you get on a device it s identified with you. they will go up on you.
fell out of favor because they quickly became contaminated with corpses. it s those desperate stories that are showing the outside world the horrors of what s happening in mariupol. and, now we re getting more hand accounts with important work of the focus, a senior crisis researcher and human rights watch. he recently spoke to 32 people who had fled the city. here are some of their accounts. we want to warn, you these descriptions are disturbing. one man said that three women were on their way to buy bread, when an attack took place, killing one of the women, during offer hands, and seriously injuring the two others. one man described how his neighbor was killed, quote, he was pierced by pieces of metal, including does heart. and he died because of the continued attacks, his family s long been able to graham yet, so his body is still in a van outside. joining us now is the writer.
and, now we re getting more hand accounts with important work of the focus, a senior crisis researcher and human rights watch. he recently spoke to 32 people who had fled the city. here are some of their accounts. we want to warn, you these descriptions are disturbing. one man said that three women were on their way to buy bread, when an attack took place, killing one of the women, during offer hands, and seriously injuring the two others. one man described how his neighbor was killed, quote, he was pierced by pieces of metal, including does heart. and he died because of the continued attacks, his family s long been able to graham yet, so his body is still in a van outside. joining us now is the writer. miss vallow, thank you so much for being here, and thank you so much for bearing witness by bringing us these accounts. they are devastating. i m trying to get a sense from these people who you talk to who are out of mariupol, we ll lifeless be like for those who are inside. and for who
Pristanišče sanjačev v Dubrovniku
Predstava Proslava v izvedbi Drame SNG Maribor je gostovala na 72. Dubrovniškem poletnem festivalu
Drama Slovenskega narodnega gledališča Maribor je na gostovanju na Hrvaškem. Na 72. Dubrovniškem poletnem festivalu je 18. in 19. julija predstavila dramo Ivorja Martinića po resnični zgodbi Navida Fadaeeja Nazerja Proslava
v režiji Jana Krmelja. Igrajo Ksenija Mišič, Maša Žilavec, Vojko Belšak, Matevž Biber in Petja Labović.
V okviru 72. Dubrovniškega poletnega festivala se bo do 25. avgusta na slikovitih lokacijah po Dubrovniku zvrstilo več kot šestdeset gledaliških, glasbenih, plesnih in folklornih prireditev. Festival poskuša tudi v koronskem času ostati v vseh segmentih razsežnosti kulturnih vsebin, ki jih goji že vrsto let, zato je program raznovrsten in kljub vsem okoliščinam obsežen, je ob začetku festivala poudarila intendantka Dora Ruždjak Podolski.
what is happening now is different. you have bernie sanders and elizabeth warren raising money of astounding numbers without holding fundraisers. they re the only two that can do that. biden can t do that. buttigieg, klobuchar, they can t do that. does that mean it is wrong to do it the way they are doing it. it is a wedge issue. it is hysterical to it sit here and listen to man cave and wine cave over and over and over again. one of the attendees tried to write a piece making it seem normal, one of the issues is a lack of transparency. one of the issue every reporter on nbc and every network and every newspaper has at some point sat in a van outside of a fundraiser or didn t even know about the fundraiser if is a very raw point.