On 24 February, Moscow launched a special military operation in Ukraine to demilitarise and de-Nazify the country following an appeal from the Donbass. 03.04.2022, Sputnik International
Sur une semaine, le taux d’incidence (236 cas pour 100 000 habitants) a continué à augmenter, mais à un rythme moins élevé que les semaines précédentes. « L’épidémie augmente moins vite mais elle augmente toujours », a résumé l’épidémiologiste Christine Cambese.
ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN The U.S. drone attack that killed the Afghan Taliban’s leader last month in Pakistan damaged “mutual trust” between Islamabad and Washington, intensified hostilities in Afghanistan and seriously set back peace efforts for that war-ravaged country, a Pakistani authority said on the eve of new talks. As senior U.S. officials and their Pakistani counterparts prepare […]