more potent. yeah. so there they are around. are n i don t know how that s not where you not being more outbreaks. jesus christ. yeah. it s not gain of function. oh s not gain of function. it s directed evolution. so if you re wondering how tony fauci was allowed to lie under oath and get away e with it, the fbi did not rate his house. wa he was never handcuffed. maybe it s because hs e used a different term for the samee thing at pfizer . apparently, they re calling it directed evolution. problem solved.t callected evolution. problem solved and again, we want to remind we awhat we just heard, and we re quoting the pfizer executive. t you re not supposed to do gainne of function research with the viruses. e do we d rather not. str but we ductuo these selectedons structure mutations to make orthem more potent. ing about there is research ongoing about that. oh, wow. to make the virus more potent, you don pt covid is potent it kille enough. kill millions of people. well, walkerd
be the epitome of what real racism is . literally, hs.e picks the weakem and he gives them tons of moneyo to show what we do when we get money. we hurt each other. we steal from each other. we eblack lives matter didn t bd schools, didn t have computers. they bought mansions. theytplanes. bui so what does that to the average person? wow. look what happens when black wha people get money. they turn on each other and they do horrible things and they don t pay their taxes. horriblhe is the epitome of it. he is show.r ta it s a politxes.e racism. o buil i will give money to the worst because he has the ability heui could build schoolld cs, he cou build colleges, he could do all these things to really help , just like and i saw one thing where he owned a bunch of trailer homes, and he made the the mortgage is cheaper, but he raised the price on the land around him. that s what he does. he enjoyous saying, look , i m giving you say he s in it i for the money. he he s not a bat fod man
difference at the southern border? thank you so much. it is quite the biden administration needs to listen. listen to the people who are ong the front lines the brave men and women who are protecting our anatd what they are saying, is that by lifting title 42 it will mean there will be an exponential increase in illegal immigrants crossineg our borders but what that means to the viewers added to you and i is that border patrol agents will be taken off the front lines. their duties of protecting our border and put in anan administration and will be able to bring more drugs e illegal activity. that is what should be concerning for the buy administration needs to listen to with ths e sae border patrols are saying. is absolutely ordinary continues to say the border is secure. and yet we have pounds andle e
bello isat treincog vid patients asng you atws o, all the wpay u to 75. what s dreiffentit wh the delta variant? t whas ffdierent is the seri otyf it. we re ngseei people agnai withoumot corbitidies coming in, ane d thdutiraon of their sivit is aernywhe omfr 20-25 days. reporter:re a thoasse cesn i uryo hospital noevw prenbltae? aolbsutelevy prenbltae, yes, its. it p sreventable bseecau, aiagn, we can take e thvaccine. reporter: well, vaccinated or not,ry eveonmue st wear a mask at d theodrsge game here isn lon ges letonight. theyev re enff oering freeva ccesin inside. thf.a.d. is also expd ecteto give f itsulapl proval to thepf iz veraccine as eaasrly monday. errol. barnettri: algh ct,arter evans, thanks. ths.e u. fesort service today idsa california lds wifisre uld blaze inecto so far, lynear 1 m.5illion acres have been orscched. thata is re.cord o of the mosplt exose,iv the die d ancaldor firesju, st
d oonllne: how you caken ma su erevery america on isutf i you t don kn howow many icameranars e in afghani?stan ne o iths e entire date abasof eramicans that whae ve in afghtaanisn. and we can g to tohethm rough y evermes anof contact whae ve and h reacouant d say, if you twanto meco home, if yontu wa etto g o, utcome to the airport. thcoe senday w is to broadcast rough every s meanavlaaible ra tdio,elisevion, the intern tet o acreh americans sh athe ty have the imanfortion they nee bd toe leab to come me. d oonnell: welle , thclk ocis ticking. thade deli ines approachin sit just 12 dayays aw. u think you hacan vell a that ttoned up byn? the we can mohove tusdsan of ople every sgline day betwee w noand the end heof t mthon. weavple enty more seonats flights the an wbeevlie that ere are poss aiblymecarins stl ilin afghanistan. and there isnt pley tofime to toget t aheirport. , yes, we bee lievth oatver the course oe f thcongmi days, it is complelyte feasible forus . oon dnel