bello isat treincog vid patients asng you atws o, all the wpay u to 75. what s dreiffentit wh the delta variant? t whas ffdierent is the seri otyf it. we re ngseei people agnai withoumot corbitidies coming in, ane d thdutiraon of their sivit is aernywhe omfr 20-25 days. reporter:re a thoasse cesn i uryo hospital noevw prenbltae? aolbsutelevy prenbltae, yes, its. it p sreventable bseecau, aiagn, we can take e thvaccine. reporter: well, vaccinated or not,ry eveonmue st wear a mask at d theodrsge game here isn lon ges letonight. theyev re enff oering freeva ccesin inside. thf.a.d. is also expd ecteto give f itsulapl proval to thepf iz veraccine as eaasrly monday. errol. barnettri: algh ct,arter evans, thanks. ths.e u. fesort service today idsa california lds wifisre uld blaze inecto so far, lynear 1 m.5illion acres have been orscched. thata is re.cord o of the mosplt exose,iv the die d ancaldor firesju, st
dedicatetradd e desk pros ana d paionasste trader comm sharing strate riggieshton the ptflaorm. cabeuse we take trad ingas seriouslyyou as do inthkorswim trading frâ„¢ omd tameritrade. bttarne: nafilly tonight, a 19-year-isold oa n high-flyingd veurnte to break ald wor record. but fl iyingnttho e history books usis jt e onpart of her mission.he re s cbs n ialee. repr:orte za arrutherford s dream has taofken f. the 19-yead r-olisn oher way te congmi the youngesmat won to arfly ou tndhe world solo, and doesn t stoerp the. when yoinu thk aof pilot, yodou n t really t ohinkf a won. you think omoref a man. and i yim trngo tchange that a ttlile bit. i m tryio ng tgegit rls , toyoun owbe, interested lyin fing and aviaonti. reporter: after taking off from belgium on wednesday, she s currently soaring across greenland. you could almost say she was born ty.o fl y menreti family are tspilo. my dad is a pilot, mm y mois a pilot, emyven ltlite brother is a lopit. t so is alrely, yeah, in