the latest example of of america s weaponizes system of justice. you know, it would be beyond ald unusual for a state prosecutor to use an alleged violation of a federal law rather thanfinancs a state campaign finance lawe as grounds to elevate a falsea e paperwork case from a misdemeanor to a felony. wow. tha they get really creativeuld be u because they hate trump that much. that would be trump derangement syndrome. we ll explain. but first, anothersyndrome. anor massive crisis for reckless, the reckless, incompetent joe biden and hisstem and administration. america s banking systemour . your money is now in peril. this is a very real crisis. there are real fears tonight that this could very well be just the beginning of a massive biden banking crisisat with biden, billionaire bailouts and world wide collapuences to banks now have officiallysed. collapsed. nearly two dozen others. they were forced to halt trading today amid widespread panic. first, republic bank stock plu
the economy. and as you just correctly said , that additional money so caused interest rates to risew and inflation to rise. o and so now the fed has to actwn and it has to raise these interest rates to bring inflation down.these in and you ve seen a big increasete in these in these interestr ban. rates over the last three years. and this has caused big problems for i do thinks, there i d may be or banks. i don t think we re going to see a major bank run or something like that. i think peopleairl should feel fairly secure. but there are probably other other banks as. i banks, as you mentioned, that are in this situation. ngly abot i don t., one other point that i feel strongly about, john . all i ve heard from biden over the last several weeks since his budget came out, we re going to make the rich paye their fair share. makie going after these rich people that are making tono much money, et cetera. a and who do you think is goingint to benefit from? and look, i will call it