government. there s, to me, zero evidence that president trump whether one loves him or does not love him was in any way an agent of any foreign power. he had relationships, obviously, but who doesn t who s coming into w the presidency? but i just think it was an enormously poor judgment on the part of the leadership at the fbi. and it s really kind of a who do you think you are? you re part of the executive branch, and this is really above your pay grade. at a minimum, that s the kind of decision t if there was something that seriously wrong in the view of the fbi, they knock on the attorney general s office, and the attorney general goes and knocks on the counsel of the president s office, and you do this through regular order as opposed to, essentially, runaway cops. mark: i m trying to figure out what exactly did he do that would merit this kind of rogue hysteria? he fires the fbi director. it s the fbi director. he s allowed to fire the fbi
which does not require specific intent. what do you make of this? i mean, it s really, it s really confound anything many ways. first comey clears hillary clinton in a bizarre press conference. he doesn t even talk to the attorney general. one of the things the inspector general complained about was that he undermined her authority. that s the attorney general s decision, whether somebody s charged or prosecuted, not the director e of the fbi. then a few days before the election, or or oh, we have more e-mails, and then quickly over the weekend, but don t worry, everything s fine.e. and then we have this general counsel now saying or he said i g thought she should have been charged all along, but i was convinced at the end. what do you make of what took place at the fbi? the fbi should have been in full consultation with the justice department. you used the term, mark, undermining the authority of the attorney general by the way jim comey conducted himself. i would say he usurped a
clinton investigation is we felt that hillary clinton was guilty of crimes in the arkansas phase of the investigation. we couldn t prove it. prosecutors will frequently say there s a difference between what i know and what i can prove, and because of missing witnesses susan mcdougal, for example, would not agree to testify, she went into contempt of court. the name of the book, contempt, the president was held in contempt. the point is the independent counsel statute contend plaits working contemplates working with if fbi, but it wasn t the fbi making the decisions to prosecute. it was the responsibility of the justice department or the independent counsel. ing. mark: so in this fbi you had at least some of them pushing for the 25th amendment. you had them making decisions they had no power to make. i would say that under jim comey, mccabe, we had a rogue fbi. we ll be right back.
lavishly financing these operatives who were using false identification and so forth, committing crimes. it s not just skunk works in the political sense, they were doing all kinds of things, using false pretensions and so forth. and here was one of the keys that i think shows no collusion. on the very same day these russianon operatives financed in new york city a pro-trump rally and an anti-trump rally. on the very same day. they were just trying to sow seeds of discord. so to my knowledge, you re exactly right. there s no evidence of collusion. mark: this indictment, these indictments of these russians, they ll never see the inside of a u.s. courtroom, of course. they re indicted for activities that occurred when who was president of the united states? president obama. mark: president obama. these activities in the fbi took place when who was president of the united states? the department of justice, who was president of the united
regulations have been there on the books for congress to look at, and if congress had come to the judgment that it liked the old system of a full report to the congress of the united states, it should have stepped in long before now. i think there s an assumption that may, that isn t grounded in the text of the regulations. mark: when we come back, i want to discuss with you these recent revelations by andrew mccabe and others, what s been going on at the fbi. you worked at the justice department, i worked at the justice department. you were solicitor general, i was chief of staff at the justice department. this fbi situation is very, very troubling, and i want to pursue that in a moment. ladies and gentlemen, don t forget, you can join us on levin tv, that s levin tv, by going to blaze to sign up. we d love to have you. blaze or give us a call at 844-levin-tv. that s 844-levin-tv. we ll be right back.