wake up, you look at your phone at 6:00 in the morning and you see a tweet from donald trump and you go, oh, my gosh, i can t believe he sent that out? have you suggested to him maybe to dial back the tweeting and when he is president, do you think he ll continue the way he has been tweeting since the campaign started? so donald trump s social media platforms are a powerful way for him to connect to people and sometimes what he tweets gets twisted into unrecognizable fashion. we have all experienced that. people take a snippet or a headline and really bastardize it and i know it s good for ratings but it doesn t help fulfill the duty we all have to perform america. do you think he takes criticism from snl. he doesn t answer every criticism. believe me, this man does not.
placed in me in our movement and those who did not support to me i ask for the chance to be your president too as we make america great again together pop a. are you hopeful today? i d like to see it that way. when president-elect campaigned, he campaigned against both the democratic and republican establishments. but just about all of his moves since he has come in, particularly his cabinet appointments, have been hard right. i m looking to see if in this address he is going to move back a little bit because these cabinet people are people, george w. bush wouldn t have chosen. mulvaney who just wants to slash the entire federal government in the most sensitive position of omb? trump didn t campaign on that. price, end medicaid as we know it by privatizing it and trump said he would let s see where he is. general mattis, for instance. great choice. pompeo. are these selections that give you reason to believe he ll have some independent voices? yes. i ve met mattis and heard
december 6th, 1941. you got a president coming in america first. the whole meaning of america first we defend this you know, our land mass at the tomb ocean shores and do not get involved in alliances, if he takes that seriously. but the other thing is that this is what makes this so fascinating for all of us is that, you know, for the other, you know, 43 pridents, since grov cleveland served two terms and is accounted twice, those were all people if we were on inaugural day we could say we pretty much could project what they are going to do to a great extent because is there a long political career and a time in public office. in this case, we have almost no idea. tom, that is the great question. you don t have to go to war to be successful in foreign policy. but you do have to get pro active about what you want to do. the classic example in my lifetime was president bush 41 and james baker putting together the coalition as they do to
you have to think again about pulling the trigger and pretty good advice coming into this time. tom brokaw, thank you very much and michael beschlos, thank you. thank you, tom. hill stayed still ahead, maud bob woodward and frank bruni will join us. how capitol hill is preparing for president trump straight ahead. you re watching morning joe. we will be right back. are you gathering up the tears have you had enough of mine nner that goes on a wall. it s not something you do now and then. or when it s convenient. it s using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it s giving offshore teams onshore support. and it s empowering anyone to stop a job
a showing. those are the ones that were, you know that were the big watch. when i came in and donald trump started to make some noise, it was like, put katy on him and it will be six weeks, probably. you could tell even from the beginning and i m kind of a broken record on this. the crowds really large and when he went after john mccain and that was not a big deal in the voters eyes, that to me signaled that this man was going to break rules and he was going to be able to break rules and continue to do so. he did. while it s surprising he was able to make it as far as he did and get to the white house and be the 45th president of the united states, the enthusiasm and excitement for him for something completely different and for someone that was going to blow things up was pretty apparent from the beginning. i almost forgot about the mccain moment but that was a signal of something very