in moscow and try to travel the restriction. a whole host of things we did kdo to put pressure on moscow and the last three pres have been wrong footed by vladimir putin every time they tried to go to him with an open hand. i d love to get all of your senses on donald trump s position on nato or several positions he has put out there. is it obsolete? i don t know that it is obsolete. i think we have seen pushback from nikki haley on this topic as well. i m actually excited about that because he is surrounding himself with people who do have opposing views, espeal on nato, other areas like that, that makes him a better informed leader. i d rather see a lot of discussion about that rather than everybody nikki haley and rex tillerson and i love general mattis line. if nato didn t exist, we would
tillerson out of the business sector and michael flynn a national security adviser and many tension in recent years with the intelligence community. you have outsiders who don t have a huckish view at all when it comes to the world. a beautiful sunrise coming over the capitol right now, rick. it is very interesting, though, again, talking to diplomats and foreign leaders who are very concerned about some of the things that david brings up, but are comfort by the idea of general mattis and rex tillerson, and general kelly, and others that are not only not only seem to be a bit more apolitical but weary of war since they have waged war themselves for 13 years and 14 years. in the case of general kelly, he even lost a son. i was with som folks who were from kosovo last night and
placed in me in our movement and those who did not support to me i ask for the chance to be your president too as we make america great again together pop a. are you hopeful today? i d like to see it that way. when president-elect campaigned, he campaigned against both the democratic and republican establishments. but just about all of his moves since he has come in, particularly his cabinet appointments, have been hard right. i m looking to see if in this address he is going to move back a little bit because these cabinet people are people, george w. bush wouldn t have chosen. mulvaney who just wants to slash the entire federal government in the most sensitive position of omb? trump didn t campaign on that. price, end medicaid as we know it by privatizing it and trump said he would let s see where he is. general mattis, for instance. great choice. pompeo. are these selections that give you reason to believe he ll have some independent voices? yes. i ve met mattis and heard
roommate, when we were congressmen sleeping downstairs on couches, leon panetta, speaks highly of him. i think mattis could be actually a guide and maybe a check on president trump we were congressmen sleeping downstairs on couches, leon panetta, speaks highly of him. i think mattis could be a guide and maybe a check on president trump in the foreign policy area, and let me tell you, a lot of my republican colleagues are formed for that reason. i understand donald trump called you the morning after he was elected. he did. in fact, you were one of the first people that he called. i guess that s right. that shows an understanding, doesn t it? for the first month he said i m his friend. look, we never had dinner together, never played golf together but i bump into him from place to place and he did that fundraiser you noted on the show a while ago when i was head of the senate campaign committee, he helped me take back the senate. then he started attacking me, calling me names
hear in town hall meetings. i was in montana two weeks ago and i heard the same in montana. it s not like this has come out of nowhere. correct. this has been an issue for several ghings. by the way, nato has been addressing it. they want all countries to get to 2%. a good goal. they are on their way? they are on their way. but nato is not obsolete. that phrase makes our nato allies nervous. i, too, have heard lots of great things in testimony and my colleague from stanford general mattis i know what he thinks about nato. we need the president now to say those things. he needs to assure our nato allies it s not obsolete tragically because of vladimir putin it s now needed more than ever. okay. so senators joni ernst and tom cotton, thank you both very much. great to see you. the guy from the south will be okay. come back on the on show and le let s keep the conversation going. the top democrats are coming up in the house and senate