got my spine i ve got my orange crush the way that peter buck played guitar and the way that stipe sang where the voice was incredible but you couldn t quite figure out what he was saying, it just made them more alluring and mysterious, you could get why that band would become huge. it wasn t new wave, it wasn t a new romantic. they started calling it alternative music. it s the end of the world as we know it it s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine fine fine fine fine you know, this is the thing about the 80s. everyone thinks it s about crazy haircuts, lots of makeup, insane clothes, and it was. but the thing about this music that lasts is that their songs were so good. you can go back and listen to
that white house working in the east wing. and the east wing was very different. we were very independent from the west wing. i was very, very proud that mrs. trump was one of the first to put something out about charlottesville. i was very proud that she, while the jacket turned that whole into a fiasco, i was proud she wanted to go to the border and look at the child separation issue. she was somebody who was independent and would go against her husband with some of his more controversial issues. and so it was naive, i m sure, but i thought i was literally on the right side of the house in that regard. with the jacket, there s a photo on the back that s you and that is the first lady with her i really don t care, do you jacket which you have a whole chapter in which she didn t even think anything of it. it wasn t a statement on anything and what did you say, you re being called to the principal s office because president trump is so angry about it. he was not happy with us. no.
could become huge. it wasn t new wave, it wasn t a new romantic. they started calling it alternative music. it s the end of the world as we know it it s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine fine fine fine fine you know, this is the thing about the 80s. everyone thinks it s about crazy haircuts, lots of makeup, insane clothes and it was. but the thing about this music that lasts is that their songs were so good. you can go back and listen to those records, from the engineering to the musicianship to the writing and to the performance of it. it surpasses most music. everybody had a story and they wanted to tell it. the artists that were coming through the tv and into your lives.
80s. college rock like r.e.m. was something new entirely. follow me, yeah follow me i got my spine i ve got my orange crush the way that peter buck played guitar and the way that stipe sang where the voice was incredible but you couldn t quite figure out what he was saying, it just made them more alluring and mysterious, you could get why that band would become huge. it wasn t new wave, it wasn t a new romantic. they started calling it alternative music. it s the end of the world as we know it it s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine fine fine fine fine you know, this is the thing about the 80s. everyone thinks it s about crazy haircuts, lots of makeup, insane clothes, and it was.
scalia decided a decision a certain way that i would, too. but i m not going to express a view on whether i agree or disagree with justice scalia. and melissa, this gets to the whole question of whether the court has become too political. and as i m sure you well know, both justices barrett and thomas last week have spoken out about their concern about the court being viewed as political or that they are a bunch of political hacks. i mean, they are right to worry about the image of impartiality that s been chiseled away of the court, no. well, they certainly should be worried after what s gone on over the last couple of weeks. and i think this really reached its apex when the court allowed that texas ban, sb-8 to go into effect, basically hobbling abortion access in one of the most populous states in the union. it wasn t a coincidence that these two members of the court hit the campaign trail to argue that the court was not partisan,