stipe sang, where the voice was incredible but you couldn t quite figure out what he was saying, it just made them more alluring and kind of more mysterious. you could get why that band would become huge. it wasn t new wave, it wasn t a new romantic. they started calling it alternative music. it s the end of the world as we know it it s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine fine, fine, fine you know, this is the thing about the 80s. everyone thinks it s about crazy haircuts, lots of makeup, insane clothes, and it was. but the thing about this music that lasts is that their songs were so good. you can go back and listen to those records, from the engineering to the musicianship to the writing and to the performance of it. it surpasses most music.
incredible but you couldn t quite figure out what he was saying it just made them more alluring and mysterious, you can get why that band would become huge. it wasn t new wave, it wasn t a new romantic. they started calling it alternative music. it s the end of the world as we know it it s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine fine, fine, fine you know, this is the thing about the 80s. everyone thinks it s about crazy haircuts, lots of makeup, insane clothes, and it was. but the thing about this music that lasts is that their songs were so good. you can go back and listen to those records, from the engineering to the musicianship to the writing and to the performance of it. it surpasses most music.
making it worse. cakes pastries. efnlings another question, greg. [laughter] does this bother you it means narcissistic careless people are happier, right? but i guess that make sense because if you re not burdened bit fact that you re putting everybody else out then you re going to have a pretty happy life. all right i would here i was running late car late to pick me up and i was pretty happy all of the time. it wasn t a problem so i was really worried that i was going to be late to the show and as i was coming in i saw you filming the five from outside like i ll be okay we film that on saturday. damn it, dave. oh. let me reveal greg in a dress don t pay attention. pay no attention. attacked are you an early you re early aren t you? yeah.
making it worse. cakes pastries. efnlings another question, greg. [laughter] does this bother you it means narcissistic careless people are happier, right? but i guess that make sense because if you re not burdened bit fact that you re putting everybody else out then you re going to have a pretty happy life. all right i would here i was running late car late to pick me up and i was pretty happy all of the time. it wasn t a problem so i was really worried that i was going to be late to the show and as i was coming in i saw you filming the five from outside like i ll be okay we film that on saturday. damn it, dave. oh. let me reveal greg in a dress don t pay attention. pay no attention. attacked are you an early you re early aren t you? yeah.
making it worse. cakes pastries. efnlings another question, greg. [laughter] does this bother you it means narcissistic careless people are happier, right? but i guess that make sense because if you re not burdened bit fact that you re putting everybody else out then you re going to have a pretty happy life. all right i would here i was running late car late to pick me up and i was pretty happy all of the time. it wasn t a problem so i was really worried that i was going to be late to the show and as i was coming in i saw you filming the five from outside like i ll be okay we film that on saturday. damn it, dave. oh. let me reveal greg in a dress don t pay attention. pay no attention. attacked are you an early you re early aren t you? yeah.