do to ma they can do to make it less restrictive. thei think there are ways th democrats and republicans can come together on the bill. wow won t find a democrat that will say obamacare is perfect including president obama himself. they have always acknowledged fixes need to be made and are willing to come to the table and meet them halfway and not talk about an out right repeal. a report was released talking about bipartisan fixes that if republicans were concerned about stabilizing markets they would look at this proposal. i m not surprised that chris murphy said this. it remains to be seen if they are making this about this fight about government shouldn t be involved in delivery of health care at all. what about the politics of this? if they come to the table and pass, it s going to be labeled
on a new bill, to discard the idea of crapping the affordable care act and instead fix it and strengthen our entire health care system and i think in addition to the need to have a bipartisan discussion, what the republicans need to do is continue to listen to their constituents because their voice is what has led to this delay. health care is personal. i ve talked about my own childhood illness that made me labelled as a child with a pre-existing condition who couldn t get health insurance at any price during my youth, i ve retold the story of constituents who have been writing me and i write they ve been writing their republican representatives also. constituents like zoe, a young girl who was born with a congenital heart defect, she had her first surgery when she was five days old and her mother
roc rockymore is the president of global policy solutions. maya, let s talk about this. you have said that this bill is an unconscionable physical and financial assault on american families. that s strong, what do you mean by that? when you place health care access further out of reach of the majority of the american people, then you are assaulting their ability to be healthy in the first place because you re taking away the mechanism that allows them to get the access to care, care for the issues they re facing, but you re also putting on a financial penalty on to them because when you don t have the insurance to cover those big bills that put a big toll on personal pocketbooks then you have to come out of pocket if you can afford it. if you can t, you ll continue to be ill or die and the fact is that before the affordable care
taxes on medical devices to income taxes. we ll talk about these breaks with my next guests. you may not know it, but i believe he is one of the most powerful people in washington because he gets lawmakers, particularly republican lawmakers to sign a pledge promising they will not raise taxes once elected and he rains a little fire on them if they break the promise. i want to bring in grover norquist, president and founder of americans for tax reform. grover, good to see you. hey, ali. grover, let s talk about the degree to which this health care bill is a tax reduction bill, which i m sure you re not opposed to but there seems to be almost more taxes in here than health care. well yes because obamacare itself was a trillion dollars of tax increases over a decade about 20 different taxes and they put a stethoscope on top of it and called it obamacare so when you deconstruct obamacare it s tax cuts because obamacare was a lot of tax increases.
wrote me pleading to stand up for her child and others like her. to that point, why do you care if republicans want to rewrite obamacare if you can be involved in a new bill? you as a democrat admit there are some shortcomings with obamacare, most democrats i speak to admit that, so why are we dug in about whether it s repeal and a new bill if you can be involved in the new bill? because we have to take repeal off the table. it is a partisan gesture. they re just trying to keep a partisan promise that has nothing do with the health and well-being of their constituents, my constituents. as soon as they take repeal, in other words, a bill that will result in 22 million people losing their insurance, restructuring and slashing of medicaid which so many depend on as a lifeline, as soon as they take that off the table they have willing partners and, in fact, i can give you countless examples of when we have been