when they start calling the other side names we will interrupt it. we don t think you deserve that and will not tolerate that. john snow is on the phone on the argument that this is one party s fault tore other s fault. regardless, what they are saying, john, is that it is going to lead to total financial hell. if we don t get a deal soon default is on the way. you what? well, i say that we ought to get this thing resolved. it isn t good for america to be in the situation that we are are with no budget and prospect of public default. the default is really unthinkable. we can t shouldn t let that happen. but if it is not going to happen if we are going to avoid it, then the president has to lead. leadership from 1600 pennsylvania avenue.
they discuss the financial down foul. ian bremmer, every nation for itself. how are you? good to see you. look, if you listen to obama and his re-election campaign, this is what they are saying, the economy is in recovery. we are losing 400,000 jobs a month. people are chronically unemployed. over $5 trillion in new obama debt. he has given us a new entitlement. how do we claim a recovery summer of 2010, he is trying to convince everybody, it s all better. i don t see it. tell me where are the signs and evidence? look, what we certainly know is that whether or not you want to argue the u.s. into decline, we are not going to bail out the europeans. we re not going to remove assad from power. a reset in the arab world. but it isn t good for america
but it isn t good for america when have you the muslim brotherhood and sharia law about to be implemented in egypt. now they say their number-1 enemy is israel. what i call the g-zero, not g-7 or g-20, but a lack of global leadership. if you look at the middle-east, the impact since the arab spring, look across the middle-east, the only country on a definably positive trajectory is nutizzia, it s a small country. everywhere else you look is leading toward more fragmentation and more sectarian because if the united states isn t going to do it, who is? sean: you point out the united states is the only one that can do it in the short term. that s true. sean: under obam ai would argue that how he didn t see the muslim brotherhood coming into power, sharia law being imp limited. i saw it.