just like in the video. to i love g loans. you want to do an actual private bank which had its own money on the line this would happen. alexis, your loan has been denied. what? why? you can t expect to be approved for a 225,000 dollar loan when you are already hundreds of thousands in debt. no, i wouldn t say so. alexis and her boyfriend. can you help me? don t you have savings? no. how do you carry all of the money around. it is other people s debt so it is complicated. you rancept up all of this d on me? did you not know about this? nobody knows about this. y nobody pays attention. nobody knows about this. the debt that the taxpayers have which is related to all of the
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good for you for fighting what you believe in. coming up, where you work? are there notices like these posted? they are not they re because workers areeager to read this stuff but because government demands it. ii don t know if i can afford this. maybe i can t handle you. i