thank you, gordon chang. thank you. now, also tonight, the failing r flip flop. t fauci is ohankn his farewell tor and still refusing to take any responsibility for his covid s n policy disaster. and he s now saying heow has a completely open mind abouta the lab leak theory. a little late anyway, despite downplay playing all of thisquen publiclytl and frequently during the height of the pandemic. we ve got the tape.take take a look. open we keep a completely open mind as to what the origin is . having said that, if you look at the examination by highly qualified international scientists with no political agendas, they ve published in peer reviewournal journals that the evidence is quite strong, that this is a natural occurrence. does that mean we ve ruled outsn that there was something funny going on at least? absolutely. ? and i and all of my colleaguep keep an absolutelyen open mind. we ve got to investigate every possibilit y.
about this, sean, because what happens is the cdc says wex. recommend to x and they say weei can t mandate it. but this is ouonr recommendatio . and then allre these local officials say, well, we re going to follow the cdcing to recommendation because we re going to defer to the expert ds and what ends up happeningo is there is no actual decideacr and the point of our entire t republic and our voting is to allow us to hold the decider sso accountable. and so far d far , dr. fauci, who sean, i really believe a hundred years from now when they write their true, definitive historical study ofho our response to covid, i think dr. fauci is going to be bre the villain of this entireory. story. becavek he s going to be on the wrong side of history. because we will not have political persuasions influencing things. and ththe long verdict of histoy tends to be far more honest than the short term.rong. and fauci got everything wrong. unfortunately, none of us now today are going to be aroundg f
flflorida, you know, they reut h getting the hell out of there. i the questions, is , is anybody c ever going to be heldou accountable for being wrong?begy issue? pretty much on every issue. and i think that s the biggestgs point. and i m glad dr.t point. saphie is pointing this out as well. dr. fauci had a clearshou opportunity here to say we should never shuldt downt down t over covid again and say we got it wrong. rch of in march of 2020. but we were a little bit panicked. we didn t knowwe didn t know al. ce certainly by may and june, we knew thatrt school should not have been shut down. they stayed shut down for years. and this points to the largest e issue here for fauci has been trying to say, oh, i didn ti do shut down any schools.n r. i don t have that power. but what he did have the powersh to do and unfortunately,avhe continues to have the power to do is help to influence the recommendeendationd actionst the cdc puts out there.out th and i m so firedis up and furios
can t predict whether orow not some schools will face shutdowns this winter. he again. here we go again. take a look.ents coming out exp of the holidays, should parents expect schools to shut down? i don t know. w, margaret. i m not sure. whenab youou talk about shutting down schools, there s always the collapse o f a radioactiv . it is exactly. the c there s alwaysol the collateral issues. so you have to balance and you d do it in real timeependi dependg upon the viral load of disease in your region. despite fauci being mr. know it all, when he sat down forwsui a deposition last week in a lawsuit filed by state attor attorney generals fauci conveniently he just couldn t remember anything about some ofe his most crucial actions. but we h and hav we the tape ane have his flip flops and we have him in his own words. fowoplr example,e, remember when fauci said mask isn t goingmayb to work? maybe it stops a dropletit s or than one mass and to mass . then we might need a maskerpetu
now, remember the fauciut emails that came out in the summer of 2020 one and from february of 2020, those emails showing that he was warnedthis reout the unusual nature of this virus and that itsu lookedf like it could have resultedla from a leak from a lab fueling more concerns about the dangers of gain of function research. now, we did know that nih money went to the eco alliance.w that we do know the eco alliance nowe can go back. we do know that the eco alliance, in fact, themselves were involved in coronaviruses research and gain of function research. tcoronathat we know all abou that, and the question then becomes, did you the taxpayer?yo wau,s it your money that was usd to create the coronavirus in the juhan lab with your money? because don t forget, faucr moio downplayedrg the lab leak theor unlike what he s saying now,no again and again and again. now, despite abo allut of that,t the destructive effect of lockdowns and school closures, fauci said yesterday that hesaid