property of whites and are subhuman. there are state that is said we re not going to agree with that. and they said we will, at the state level, stand on our tenth amendment rights and do something different. so that has been the case. there have been others, including eing that which you noted. so there s a disconnect between the ruling and the actual law itself. it ee s important to note that july 10th, i ve put forward a solution that would allow states just that hawaii has done is you make this a down dm loadble form. that happened today. that was a compromise. burr h but her attorney is saying that s not enough. she s still going to go back to work. i want to play this for you. we re talking about religion here. and the interpretation of the bible. this is something that reminded me of something that i saw on television years ago.
(commentator) where fantasy becomes reality! (penguin 1) where are we going? (penguin 2) the future, boys. the glorious future. (vo) at&t and directv are now one- bringing your television and wireless together- and taking entertainment to places you d never imagine. (rick) louis, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. it ee s been a devastating hours for dominica. at least 12 are dead after erika triggered flooding and mud slides. erika is winding down but
very grood. do you think that mr. trurp s congressm comments help or hurt your efforts? i think we re on a different path right now. i am ms. usa. the ms. universe organization is a symbol of diversity and celebrate diversity. and, for the past 64 years has really been a testament to that. and i think the you look at the women on stage, especially in baton rouge, the reels channel really highlighted that. i tell that was really powerful. we were talking about that. and about 925, that s still a lot of people watching. considering it ee s not on a broadcast network, but you still did pretty well.
that wasn t the plan. we weren t going there to kill people. we tried to get the guy back. the fact that you guys had a full head count, 15 hours and 46 minutes after first getting the page, what s that say about the guys you work with? incredible. everything from who s flying the airplanes, who packed the boats up, rigged the parachutes, who trained the tandem masters to jump a guy that s never jumped before. getting the stuff to the aircraft in time. it s a moment of pride, the efficiency of the u.s. military when it needs to be. it makes you realize if we wanted to take the gloves off and really hurt people, that wouldn t be a problem. but you have rules. we re the good guys. coming up next, rob and s.e.a.l. team 6 prepare for the mission of a lifetime. it ee s bin laden. our eyes. they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me, hey! . and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information
that wasn t the plan. we weren t going there to kill people. we tried to get the guy back. the fact that you guys had a full head count, 15 hours and 46 minutes after first getting the page, what s that say about the guys you work with? incredible. everything from who s flying the airplanes, who packed the boats up, rigged the parachutes, who trained the tandem masters to jump a guy that s never jumped before. getting the stuff to the aircraft in time. it s a moment of pride, the efficiency of the u.s. military when it needs to be. it makes you realize if we wanted to take the gloves off and really hurt people, that wouldn t be a problem. but you have rules. we re the good guys. coming up next, rob and s.e.a.l. team 6 prepare for the mission of a lifetime. it ee s bin laden.