that wasn't the plan. we weren't going there to kill people. we tried to get the guy back. the fact that you guys had a full head count, 15 hours and 46 minutes after first getting the page, what's that say about the guys you work with? >> incredible. everything from who's flying the airplanes, who packed the boats up, rigged the parachutes, who trained the tandem masters to jump a guy that's never jumped before. getting the stuff to the aircraft in time. it's a moment of pride, the efficiency of the u.s. military when it needs to be. it makes you realize if we wanted to take the gloves off and really hurt people, that wouldn't be a problem. but you have rules. we're the good guys. >> coming up next, rob and s.e.a.l. team 6 prepare for the mission of a lifetime. >> it ee's bin laden.