and there is a political crisis in peru where the congress removed president castillo from office. he was accused of permanent moral incapacity for trying to dissolve the legislature to avoid impeachment vote. castillo was arrested and the vice president was sworn in to replace him. in 60 seconds a major advance in the treatment of one the most deadly cancers, melanoma. the remarkable results and couould it b bring hope for t treating other cancers. ic breast canr are liviving longer r with kisq. so, longng live famimily . are liviving longer r with kisq. long l live dreamsms. and long l live you. long l live dreamsms. kisqali isis a pill prproven to helelp women lilive longer when takaken with to helelp women lilive longer an aroromatase inhnhibito. to helelp women lilive longer and kisqsqali helps s pree quality y of life. to helelp women lilive longer so y you rere not just t liv, you u re liviving well.. kisqali i can cause e lung probs or an abnonormal heartrtbeat whwhich can le
i d sasay suspenseseful. aren t t they the e same thin? can n we move onon guys, plel? alexa, tururn on thehe subtitl. and d dim the lilights. ok, didimming the e lights. we re eating and drinking foods and beverages that are v very acidicic. alexa, tururn on thehe subtitl. and d dim the lilights. it canan soften ththe enamel. prpronamel repepair, what t it g is dririving more e minerals dp ininto the enanamel surfacace, ththat s gogoing to helelp acty repairir. pronamelel is takiking it to o another level. as a profefessional bullll-rider i m useded to tataking chancnces. but whenen it comes s to my insuranance i don t t. i i use libertrty mutual,, they cusustomize youour car insurarance, soso you only y pay for whatat you need.d. wooo, yeaaaa, wooooooo and, b by switchining you coud evenen save 665 5 dollars. wooo, yeaaaa, wooooooo hehey tex, canan someone else getet a turn? yeah, hangng on, i m a about to breakak my own rerecor. yeah.. only payay for what t you ne. libererty, libe