of food. direct negotia on s richard engel starts tw ee n ukourar incoe veanrad uk ra inrue.ssia in turkey reporter: the di re ct n eg ot iawetinton ns between ukraine and rus ssfoiare iign n turkey toy went n re ukraine s foreig n is deman ng t he minister saying russia is deman di he governurmerentnd surrender and hi s anrud sshiias n rusa co rp ar t de ni ed his country even i ed ed uk ra in e,uk iransinise,ti s it s merely carrying out li mi te d itmi sli mtaerryely g a li mi ted military action to defend russia russia. he a ls o de ni edhe t ahalst russia bombed a maternity hospital russia bombed a ye st er da y, dmaistemirnssi yewhstater hdae y,ca dllisedn wh at h e pacathlletedic outc path ic o ut crabieous t it and cla about it d c la imukinrag ine staged te whole thing.e stthaginedg. t russia appears t o e liruvissngia i an an living al te rn at iv e realalteitrny no w, d ri venon w,by d orine man, president man, president vladimir putin, who in vladimir putin wh o in a tele
and tatake. it. onon. .witith rinvoq.. rinvnvoq a oncece-daily pilill can dramamatically improve sysymptoms.. ririnvoq helpsps tame paini, stiffness,s, swelling.g. and d for some...rinvoq stiffness,s, swelling.g. cacan even sigignificantlyy reduduce ra fatitigue. thatat s rinvoq q relief. reduduce ra fatitigue. with ra,a, your overeractie reduduce ra fatitigue. immune sysystem attackcks your j joints. reduduce ra fatitigue. rinvoqoq regulateses it to h help stop t the att. rinvoq c can lower y your abiy toto fight infnfections, inclcluding tb.. seriouous infectioions and blblood clots,s, some fa; cancers,s, includingng lympha and skinin cancer; seriouous infectioions and blblood clots,s, some fa; death,h, heart attttack, str, and d tears in t the stoh or intesestines occucurred. death,h, heart attttack, str, peopople 50 and d older h at leastst one heartrt disee death,h, heart attttack, str, ririsk factor r have higheher . death,h, heart attttack, str, don n t take if f allergic to rin
i d sasay suspenseseful. aren t t they the e same thin? can n we move onon guys, plel? alexa, tururn on thehe subtitl. and d dim the lilights. ok, didimming the e lights. we re eating and drinking foods and beverages that are v very acidicic. alexa, tururn on thehe subtitl. and d dim the lilights. it canan soften ththe enamel. prpronamel repepair, what t it g is dririving more e minerals dp ininto the enanamel surfacace, ththat s gogoing to helelp acty repairir. pronamelel is takiking it to o another level. as a profefessional bullll-rider i m useded to tataking chancnces. but whenen it comes s to my insuranance i don t t. i i use libertrty mutual,, they cusustomize youour car insurarance, soso you only y pay for whatat you need.d. wooo, yeaaaa, wooooooo and, b by switchining you coud evenen save 665 5 dollars. wooo, yeaaaa, wooooooo hehey tex, canan someone else getet a turn? yeah, hangng on, i m a about to breakak my own rerecor. yeah.. only payay for what t you ne. libererty, libe
tr ietrs ietos gtoet get t inflation under co ntcorontl.rol. kr iskrteisn?ten? jo ling kent, thank yo u.you. > as> masan many stad ci ticiesti eesnd e tnd thed ma skma rskeq ruieqreuirem fe deferadel ragol vegovern ex teexndteinndg inthg them travelers on planes, trai, nsan, d and buses. th e thmae ndmaatndates wi be iben iefn feefctfect ue mi ddmiledd olef onef next. bu t butht atth sat a s a s ex teexnsteionsn iothn than pa stpa, stsu, ggsuggestin ma ndmaatndesat cesou could lifted as cases co ntcoinntuein tueo to dro. > in> jinus just 60 se cosendcos,nd ts,he the wi ntwiernt werea wtheathe wa ntwa tnto tkno owknow a. is ais b aom bb omcyb cyc the way? > an> d angad megame t ma jomar joler agleueague b an d anthd e thple ayplayer a deal.
isn t straight aren t straight. there are pockets. there are pockets. there are a lot of an do ne d ca rs htherere,e and the soldiers have just been going through looking for a car with keys in it abandoned cars her so me g as the soldiers have been no w itgo sin tg rathnsropn the streets he re it and som ga s. completely empty now it s transformed, th e bithgge esstt rerisk p te ly e mpthtyat. you turn a cr the biggest risk is an d th er e yoaru e tuthrnea russians there are the ia n ta nk , ru ssruiassn ia apc.ian tank, russian ap c. irpin is largely de se rtiredpi, n whisic lh ea te d op po rt undeitseierts. cr te d op poukrtrauninitiaien s.s ukrainia so ld ie rsar rest five suspect arrest five sp ec te d looters with backpacs full of alcohol. the lo ca yo r looterth backp ks wouldn t stand for it. full of alcohol. the ca l ma yoasr the suspects wee wouldn t ta nd f orta iket.n away i n a bread tr uc k, w e tasakew n thawey scal e ha t ru ss ia is unleashing. scale of what russia is