A shadow pandemic they have an urgent appeal dont look away step in and help when women become victims of Domestic Violence turkish women are protesting against government plans to withdraw from the is simple convention on combating violence against women even though more and more women are being murdered. Violence against women in turkey has been on the rise for years the perpetrators are often people will known to the victims a husband and ex partner earlier this year one case that sent shock waves through the town of backyard kind western turkey is that of p. Not good to kitten she was killed by her exboyfriends back in july more than 200 women have become victims of femicide just this year but now turkish president to one wants to withdrawal from a European Convention that was designed specifically to protect women from violence and abuse there is strong opposition against this plan not just in p. R. s hometown. The friends describe her as a fun loving young woman. This was the ima
Government plans to withdraw from the is simple convention on combating violence against women even though more and more women are being murdered violence against women in turkey has been on the rise for years the perpetrators are often people well known to the victims a husband and ex partner earlier this year one case that sent shock waves through the town of backyard kind west and turkey is that of people that go to kim she was killed by her exboyfriends back in july war than 200 women have become victims of femicide just this year but now turkish president to one wants to withdraw all from a European Convention that was designed specifically to protect women from violence and abuse there are strong opposition against this plan not just n. P. R. s home town. Her friends describe her as a fun loving young woman. This was the image techie was left with of the 27 year old student. On july 16th exboyfriend strangled her to death remember her body. Flowers and a photo commemorate and her
Head around it so we just saw some of the figures and some of the headline numbers involves 2 trillion dollars worth of transactions that involve some of these banks so to break that down the documents that this very Large International network of journalists 400. 00 journalists in total working with it was 2100. 00 specific documents of Financial Transactions which they then added to with about 18000. 00 additional documents which they got through interviews and through all their leaks so youre talking about a massive amount of data that they had to troll true and when you and in some cases they may be emerge with one name and address and they have to go further to find out exactly what some of these transactions involved and how they were linked to some of these banks the huge scale which will take several days and weeks to truly on paper as the music merges from this big data draw well one of the banks that weve already mentioned is Deutsche Bank and it says that theyre involved in
Arrest hundreds of people mainly women demanding the resignation of hard line president alexander lukashenko. And within fiction rights soaring again in the u. K. The government slaps hefty fines on foreign seen break ins and mounts imposing a 2nd total lockdown. Of american how would welcome we open with new revelations of Money Laundering a legal financial flows and a banking scandal of gigantic proportions for years banks around the world appear to have helped avert and conceal funds originating from criminal activities documents leaked from the us financial wealth already fiend seen seem to show how banks helped to circumvent International Sanctions including those against iran and syria danish and british banks but also Deutsche Bank are implicated in the late favs. All over the world criminals are using the Global Financial system to launder money its a dirty with lucrative business for the banks. If a bank notices a suspicious transfer it has to report it to the authorities. Tho
Anyway to nature in the show. How it will come to a new edition off to europe max and this is what else we have in store for you. And for. The money turns to world into real estate maybe a church. Fragrance and why oh i love finds all being gradients for the restrooms it. Brings to mind stunning mountain scenery and traditional costumes for me at least this typical swiss instrument belongs in the alps but the dress sits in the orchestra had other ideas day took the alp horn down from the mountains and brought it to an urban setting but still high up in the sky we went to the capital of sex in the foot a welsh prime year of a very special called. Pine sounds in the urban tower blocks of the poorest district interest in the al corn spring from a height of 50 meters. An open air concert with distance marcos current director of the dressed in Symphony Orchestra came up with this idea over a year ago when he 1st saw the 17 story high buildings. That were. Very similar to an all playing land