The 12th . Yeah. So that would be pushing back the entire timeline a week. Im not here. Thats right. Yes, commissioner richards mom has a big birthday. Can we do the 9th, 10t 10th or the 11th. . Im free everyday that week, as well, and so are you. Commissioner moore, are you available from the 9th through the 11th . I have not looked at my calendar, obviously, other than my thursdays dedicated to Planning Commission, i have not looked at other dates to set aside for this effort but i would like to suggest for the matter of e expediency, if somee can take a calendar and hand it around instead of us going over the same dated again and again quickly indicate when they are or arent here and then look of what other dated are available. So commissioner moore, i attempted to do that in setting the original dates and got a poor response from fellow commissioners. So there is an attempt to make the process transpor transparen. Commissioner johnson . I already spoke but those dates work for me.
Close to the holidays because travel is impossible if there are as many from people out of town, we should give them the opportunity to have a comfortable time to come and go. Commissioner richards. The one awkward thing that i see with this schedule is should the new commissioner be seated to december 5th, we dont have a been of the give and take that she or he would have given us november 14th. And so, that person would splash in here and we would have to start trying to understand where he or she is coming from and it just feels weird. It doesnt give us the optimum outcome, i think. Commissioner fung . My last suggestion on the potential schedule would be as follows, for the closed session of discussion of potential candidates would be that monday before december 5th and then to have the interview the following week, early that week so were not stretching it into the 12th. So have that be decembe december 2nd. The early possible date that a new commissioner can be seated is october
We have reached out many of the candidates. Many of them who have to travel. We would just want to communicate in advance whether a decision can be made here or shortly thereafter so we can continue to engage them. As we push closer to the december holidays, travel plans can very much become a factor for all of them. We will help work with any of those candidates to do that, but i am a little concerned if we push into middle of december that there could be a conflict there. Thank you. And that concerns me, too, commissioners because there is a market for candidates and there are other municipalities and organizations hiring for candidates that have similar qualifications and i dont want to lose our best candidates, but commissioner richards . My mother turns 95 on december 13th. I probably wont be here on the 12th. Im trying to be here every commission hearing, but, you know. Yes. [please stand by] commissioner moore . I would like to share my own experience. I sit on the board when Bo
Neighborhood. Thank you. Commissioner fung. Question for staff. The condition that was proposed by the last speaker it appears some of it is already covered. That is correct. And is there any of those conditions that are not covered . I think there are some conditions that are not covered. In my presentation there are things that i dont think the staff or commission can get involved with. But things to the nature of, we mentioned no, or a prohicks of prohibition of onsite use. The other thing is the kitchen, it could not be permitted not allowed. There are things with the existing tenant which i dont think is an issue the commission would want to be involved with. A fairly private matter. So i made there are some issues where i dont know where permitwise we have full ability to condition ability to enforce or take on the risk of having to enforce. The security fence they are adding will take care of one of the conditions. That will take care of a lot and i think theres some state requi
Thank you. Any other Public Comment on this item . With that, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner fung . Question for staff. If this was a Design Office use that was designated as accessory to the retail, would it have required a see you . C. U. . In other words, the retail is in the front on the ground floor. Basically it was flipped the other way around, the retail use will be a principal use and that. The retail use currently allowed . Im asking, if you had designated, or they had designated the Design Office use as accessory to the commercial interiors retail use would it still have required c. U. . Um. Elizabeth, northwest team leader. That has to do with the Square Footage, the percentage size. Yes if it had been an accessory use, it would principally permitted, it would be considered an accessory use. Sharon can correct me if i am wrong, that is not the way the configuration of the space is currently. What would have been the Square Footage of an accessory use to have been al