say it. she could do it on twitter, and she s used her voice for the things she s always used her voice for. like i said before, no one should be surprised by that. when you look at human trafficking, when you look at somebody like lynch and what that means for this country, she s not going to stand by. she s always been that kind of advocate. hillary who is officially not running for president, doesn t have a campaign officially, what happened with the e-mail story, not only was she slow to be able to respond to it. she wasn t driving the message in a particular direction because she doesn t have that apparatus and isn t out there actively campaigning. this is a preview, saying these are issues i want to focus on. but everyone understands that these issues that she talked about today, this is not new that she s interested in them. there s a long record of caring about and fighting on these issues. so regardless of 2016, i think when she looked up, saw congress not just doing nothi
cities. now they are paralyzed because the politicians tried to keep the police from looking like police. they stand there and are a target for profanity name calling, spit, rock, bottles and bullets. it is unfair to the police officers and it is unfair to the community that isn t out there on the street making fools of themselves. we are short on time, but we appreciate you being with us. mark ferman talking about the developments there in ferguson, missouri which we now know the sheriff say two police officers have been shot. wynn in the face and one in the shoulder. these developments continue to come in. we will follow this. right now we will take a quick break and we will be right back here on fox news.
this is a dwarf planet and then the plumes of steam on mars. what s going on. all these weird things at the same time? well, you know we re seeing the action on mars, and on that small little miniature planet as well. and maybe that s why we need to go out there. we need to find answers to the questions you re asking me. i don t have them. and perhaps that s one over the main reasons why we need to get a program together to get back out there. i m wondering this planet where there s light or looks like a light almost looks like a tiny%ñ little city or one building. wouldn t that be a kick if that is some sort of life there. what do you think? well, i get that question all the time, neil. people want to know if i ve seen aliens or other life in outer space, and the answer is, no. i ve gone out there three times and i had my chances but that doesn t mean it isn t out there. mathematically, statistically,
what i heard when i was there it was an us first meniality. i heard a lot of race cards. the voter id is racist. if you were black, you don t stand a chance. ality that came conference where you were not allowed to speech al sharpton knocked the people of obama means americans tax races. those who said that never have been profiled in an apartment store. thoerz that were saying that was never pulled over on a highway. the black man is more likely to be pulled over on a highway ryes raism isn t out there. look at individuals, polytheists sues he, sports, entertainment.
raised and move on move forward with some of the key priorities that need to happen in this country. is there a lot of talking going back and forth with congressional leaders? yeah, i m sure. you know, the president has done his part talking to leaders in both parties. you saw the members of the house democrats who were over there yesterday. i m sure dennis mcdonough and rob neighbors and the whole legislative team are cleaning close tabs on everything that s happening on capitol hill and actively negotiating. but the president isn t out there being very forceful in his message. as he said in that clip that you showed earlier, sometimes it s not as helpful to have the president pushing things forward in front of cameras. sometimes it s helpful for the work to be done behind the scenes to make sure that we make the progress that we need to make. some are saying that he s taken a back seat really here in the process. what s your view? i think that that is that notion is belie