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as an amicable agreement that means there won t be an open hearing. the wru says the settlement also prevents them from responding to charlotte s complaints in this programme. for those who ve walked away from the welsh rugby union, there s still hope that the women s game can keep moving forward as they try to do the same. it doesn t matter how much counselling i go through to try and heal what s there but ultimately, the wru will stay as this open wound for me. i ve just got to learn to live with it. i m hoping that i give other women courage. actually standing up for yourself and saying, you know, this isn t ok.
that would be a win. do you mean ways of trying to find a way through some of these things without it going to court, to arbitrate orto.? well, i think there s obvious holes in the system at the moment. if i can go to a musicologist and get a report and then take that report to a society, and then they freeze someone s income based on that, that s a problem. it s a problem because it creates not in this case, specifically, just in the wider scheme of things it creates a culture where it can be used as a threat. and i think that is where we have to be having conversations with societies, with managers, with artists, songwriters, and say, this isn t ok for anybody. # white lips # pale face breathing in snowflakes.#. do you essentially hope now to sort of enjoy the freedom to crack on with creating songs and making music and leave this behind?
of it and say, look, this is where we re struggling. this is what is inhibiting our creativity and our process, can we talk about it? i think talking about things is missing a lot in the world today and certainly for us, that would be a win. do you mean ways of trying to find a way through some of these things without it going to court, to arbitrate or to.? well, i think there s obvious holes in the system at the moment. if i can go to a musicologist and get a report and then take that report to a society, and then they freeze someone s income based on that, that s a problem. it s a problem because it creates not in this case, specifically, just in the wider scheme of things it creates a culture where it can be used as a threat. and i think that is where we have to be having conversations with societies, with managers, with artists, songwriters, and say, this isn t ok for anybody. # white lips # pale face breathing in snowflakes.#.
in the system at the moment. if i can go to a musicologist and get a report and then take that report to a society, and then they freeze someone s income based on that, that s a problem. it s a problem because it creates not in this case, specifically, just in the wider scheme of things it creates a culture where it can be used as a threat. and i think that is where we have to be having conversations with societies, with managers, with artists, songwriters, and say, this isn t ok for anybody. # white lips # pale face breathing in snowflakes.#. do you essentially hope now to sort of enjoy the freedom to crack on with creating songs and making music and leave this behind? yeah, i mean, that s what we do. i mean, that s what we love doing. we love writing songs. every day in court was a day not being able to write songs. and we do write songs every day,