of it and say, "look, this is where we're struggling. this is what is inhibiting our creativity and our process, can we talk about it?" i think talking about things is missing a lot in the world today and certainly for us, that would be a win. do you mean ways of trying to find a way through some of these things without it going to court, to arbitrate or to...? well, i think there's obvious holes in the system at the moment. if i can go to a musicologist and get a report and then take that report to a society, and then they freeze someone's income based on that, that's a problem. it's a problem because it creates — not in this case, specifically, just in the wider scheme of things — it creates a culture where it can be used as a threat. and i think that is where we have to be having conversations with societies, with managers, with artists, songwriters, and say, this isn't ok for anybody. # white lips # pale face breathing in snowflakes...#.