matt rivers, cnn, haiti. mean whil the head of haiti s civil protection agency says an approaching storm could complicate the search and rescue efforts for earthquake victims. meteorologist pedram javaheri joins us now. and pedram, as if haiti doesn t have enough to deal with. what are you seeing with his approaching tropical depression? it s a storm system weakening rather quickly, that s the one piece of good news, but unfortunately, rosemary, it s doing so with the expense of interacting with the mountains of the island of hispaniola. of course we have a trio of systems to tell you about. tropical depression eight, troptle storm fred and tropical storm grace. very elevated terrain and of course we re heading into the peak season here so you expect to see activity pick up in intensity and see additional
of the impacts of the recent earthquake as well as tropical storm grace currently bearing down on the side. hispaniola and impacting some of the same populations. so the needs on the ground are extremely tourgt get aid to the hospitals and health facilities providing care to those affected by this event. i mean, coordination is always the key in these situations. how is that on the ground? particularly because the infrastructure we can see from these images is devastated, and many. these areas are already dealing with criminality issues which impacts how you get help to people. yes. absolutely. coordination is essential. project home is working directly with, for example, hospitals in the heavily affected areas such as la caye to understand the needs. communications are still fairly good so we can get information back and forth and start to
Nach dem schweren Erdbeben im Südwesten Haitis beklagt das Land mindestens 304 Tote und 1800 Verletzte. Bei vielen im Land weckt die Katastrophe Erinnerungen an das Jahrhundertbeben vor elf Jahren.
Bei dem schweren Erdbeben der Stärke 7,2 in Haiti sind nach aktuellem Stand beinahe 1300 Menschen ums Leben gekommen, Tausende sind verletzt und etliche Gebäude zerstört. Der Erdstoß war ähnlich stark wie jener verheerende im Jahr 2010. Nun naht zudem ein Tropensturm.
Bei dem schweren Erdbeben der Stärke 7,2 in Haiti sind nach aktuellem Stand fast 2000 Menschen ums Leben gekommen, Tausende sind verletzt und etliche Gebäude zerstört. Der Erdstoß war ähnlich stark wie jener verheerende im Jahr 2010.