Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto was born in Parral, Chile in 1904 to a poor railway worker and a schoolteacher who died of tuberculosis during his infa.
Deeper Shades Daily News (via HT Media Ltd.)
“Lovobserved thaobserved observed that thatthat observed that thatthatobserved observed that thatthat thatt thate is so short, forgetting is so long”, wrote Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. According to Dave Seminara who explored Neruda’s home in Isla Negra, overlooking the Pacific south of Valparaiso, “these weren’t just words on a page. Neruda never forgot his friends. When people close to him died, he carved their names into beams above Isla Negra’s restaurant so he could continue drinking with them. More than 40 years after Neruda’s death, the names are still there – 17 in all and it’s easy to imagine the conversations about poetry, love, travel and politics that took place over so many late nights.”