Making the Ordinary Extraordinary: Pablo Neruda’s Odes
When Pablo Neruda published his first of three collections of odes the
Odas elementales (Elementary Odes) in 1954, he was probably unaware that his Russian hero, Pushkin, had written 130 years earlier that odes were the lowest form of poem because they lacked a “plan” and because mere “rapture” excluded the kind of “tranquility” which, Pushkin said, was “an indispensable condition” of the highest beauty.”
Fortunately, Neruda
does achieve rapture, tranquility, and immense beauty in many of the
Odes. Nevertheless, his aim was to speak to the ordinary people in the street about ordinary things using the language of the street. He praises simple objects like onions and tomatoes. I cannot agree with René de Costa’s view that Neruda designed the ode “as a didactic artifice.” Neruda’s odes are neither didactic nor artificial. Many seem genuinely full of his awe at the beauty around him. His ent
Spanish Town Commemorates World Nature Day with Tour of San Juan De Los Terreros
4 March 2021 @ 12:55
Spanish Town Commemorates World Nature Day with Tour of San Juan De Los Terreros Credit: Pulpi Town Hall
SPANISH TOWN commemorates World Nature Day with tour of San Juan de los Terreros.
The Spanish town of Pulpi in Spain’s Almeria celebrated World Wildlife Day with a guided tour of San Juan de los Terreros. ADVERTISEMENT
They commemorated World Nature Day which was on Wednesday, March 3. The commemoration saw locals join in for a hike that took place along the local clifftops in the area.
Record-breaking Christmas wine sales for Concha y Toro UK 26th January, 2021 by Patrick Schmitt
Concha y Toro wine brands Trivento and Casillero del Diablo have enjoyed record-breaking UK Christmas sales due to “the unprecedented trading situation”.
Concha y Toro’s leading brand, Casillero del Diablo, has hit record levels of ‘household penetration’
Using results released this morning for the 12-week period to 2 January, the wine group showed how its leading wine brands have performed extraordinarily well over the festive retailing period, benefitting from their excellent off-trade distribution and the closure of the hospitality sector for much of this time due to Government restrictions relating to Covid-19.
By Eliot Stein 13 January 2021
Isabel Allende has been inspiring readers to fall in love with the world for nearly 40 years. Widely considered to be the world s most-read Spanish-language author, the Chilean writer s deft blend of social commentary and magical realism is a reflection of her peripatetic upbringing and the many people, places and cultures that have fuelled her curiosity.
50 Reasons to Love the World - 2021
Why do you love the world? Because in spite of the pandemic, the wildfires and the smoke in my hometown, the awful political climate in the US and the economic crisis that creates so much despair, I wake up every morning in my small house in California squeezed between my husband and two dogs and realise that love is all that truly matters,