From our Bureau of Socialist Social Justice and Equity with some assistance from our Bureau of Anomalous Varieties of Parasitism and Vampirism What the foooooook? Okay, this needs some splainin, as Desi Arnaz might have said to his wife Lucy. Please splain to me how Cubans can get their hands on 17 million dollars to
Years of political and economic turmoil in Venezuela have frightened off most tourists, with western nations advising citizens not to travel there. But for Russians seeking sun-soaked holidays, while faced with visa and flight restrictions because of the Ukraine invasion, Venezuela’s Isla de Margarita is proving a friendly destination
Venezuela recently surpassed Mexico as the third-largest supplierof crude oil to the U.S.-after Canada and Saudi Arabia. HugoChávez has already demonstrated his willingness to use oilas a tool against America. Therefore, absent a firm commitment forconstructive and verifiable cooperation by Chávez, the WhiteHouse should not renew ambassadorial relations.
Hopes of sealing a historic "peace pact with nature" at a United Nations biodiversity summit will soon rest on the world's environment ministers, arriving in Montreal for the final phase of talks beginning…