After Air India s decision to ban Shankar Mishra, who allegedly urinated on an elderly woman co-passenger, from flying with the airline for four months, his legal team said that they disagreed with the committee s findings and are already in the process of appealing this decision in accordance with the DGCA CAR for Unruly Passengers.
Shankar Mishra has made headlines for all the wrong reasons. He allegedly urinated on an elderly woman co-passenger aboard a New York-New Delhi Air India flight and has drawn a lot of flak. The event has drawn attention to the issue of misbehavior by disruptive passengers on airplanes. As per the latest developments, Mishra was arrested in Bengaluru days after evading the police. The event first came to light earlier this week, and since then, there have been allegations that the airline failed to act swiftly and appropriately to penalize the accused.