Get latest articles and stories on Entertainment at LatestLY. Actor RajKummar Rao on Friday morning took part in a beach clean-up drive at Juhu Beach in Mumbai. Entertainment News | RajKummar Rao Urges People to Participate in PM Modi’s 'Swachhata Hi Seva' Campaign.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], October 17 (ANI/PNN): After debuting in theatres nationwide on October 14, the political satire film Love You Loktantra, starring Isha Kopikkar, Ravi Kishen, and Manoj Joshi, has been gaining traction among filmgoers. The film is a satire on contemporary Indian politics, with a touch of North Indian dialect added by Zurich Media House LLP and Zee Music Co, UFO Digital Cinema, Bright Outdoor Media Private Limited, and TIME Virtual studio. The film depicts a power triangle involving a female Chief Minister, a male lawyer, and another female legal who is close to the administration. Two kidnapped Independent MLAs hold the key to Government formation but are kidnapped overnight. Lawyers and Journalists rule the movie with their strategies and plans to form the government. Manoj Joshi, who plays Pandey, and Isha Koppikar, who plays Gulab Didi, both want to be Chief Ministers of the state. However, two independent candidates who are crucial to forging a governme