The Paulding FFA Chapter has had a very fun and eventful year.
Despite facing many unforeseen circumstances this last year with the
continued pandemic, the chap
The Paulding FFA Chapter has had a very fun and eventful year.
Despite facing many unforeseen circumstances this last year with the
continued pandemic, the chap
Paulding FFA celebrates State FFA Convention virtually
Carter Manz, FFA Reporter Tuesday, May 11, 2021 4:27 PM
On April
29 and 30, the Paulding FFA chapter attended the Ohio FFA convention
virtually. Although the convention was not face to face this year,
members were able to watch live videos of the convention from the FFA
room and have snacks to celebrate the accomplishments of our chapter.
the convention began, the members attended a workshop hosted by a
National FFA officer, Artha Jonassaint where they participated in team
building activities. During the first session the chapter watched Baylee
March, Colton Howell and Hailey Weidenhamer receive gold on their