Anywhere from 50 to 80 people in our tiny Referral Center and maybe a tenth of a size of this room. And so it is difficult for me to really have such a compelling story. And that i am considered an expert on the matter and i think that i am considered an expert, just because i am in this work and i have a expertise comes from talking to people and so you could go to the Market Street and go on the 71 and make the way on the golden gate and go on the 19 and you could talk to people and figure out what the need is directly from them themselves and step into their homes and rather than asking for us to come to the venue which is difficult in my mind. I am zach murray for the welcome Youth Services and i am rising to advocate that the board of supervisors in the department is here to do more and be accountible and give us public leadership to enhance the budget and the policy priorities to include the youth and the reality is that when compared to the homeless Adult Population you have the
Youth were not considered in that and so i am advocating that you do more to meet those needs to understand what is happening and Market Street has produced years and years worth of research and analyzing what the youth people are experiencing and what the needs are and we know what they need and it is time for the Public Resources to be behind this and end this crisis as we speak. If we are not going to take the abundant resources of San Francisco to end the crisis and i think that the board of supervisors in the city of San Francisco can play a vital role in rallying that progress and this has been 115 million on the youth in the country and the reality that it is going to take a lot more than that in the federal government. And i want to talk about the education and workforce training this is the root of why the people are homeless and they are not getting the education and employment. And yes, they are only, 20 percent of the surveyed Homeless Youth need an education, but 72 percen
For the family and Homeless Youth, 18 to 25. And there needs to be the wrap around services and the wrap around services should be i also want to point out that San Francisco, is a beacon for the run aways, and you know, and we have la, and seattle and San Francisco, and new york are where run aways usually go, because you cant get any further once you get to the west coast. And so, if the people are going to come here, and then we have to have the services to offer them. And if we dont have the services to offer them. Then, they are just going to become like what happens what happened a couple of years and a number of years ago, is that they come here on the bus and they go over to the polk street and that is why Market Street was and the various neighborhoods throughout the city and we need to meet them where they are at and get them to be productive, thank you. My name is john nolty, and the housing for the youth, and no new funding, on this, and we talked about it today and i was,
In rallying that progress and this has been 115 million on the youth in the country and the reality that it is going to take a lot more than that in the federal government. And i want to talk about the education and workforce training this is the root of why the people are homeless and they are not getting the education and employment. And yes, they are only, 20 percent of the surveyed Homeless Youth need an education, but 72 percent of them would like the further education, and only 79 percent of the youth at Market Street report being unemployed but 86 percent of them want a job, they want a job that is going to allow them to live here in San Francisco and not on the streets where they are forced to be criminalized and forced into exploitation and they are forced, and the reality is that you can do more. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello, i am sorry. I am daysy and i am a advocate and i just wanted to tell you my story, i was once a Homeless Youth and i was able to get services and on t
Comments to take complaints from clients. All of our research are now in spanish and english, particularly when we do screening or surveying. If i go out and my spanish is muy mal, i can give the document in spanish and i can write comments later and have them translated later. To do the effective job we want to increase the capacity of spanishspeaking people on the committee. Thank you. Thank you. Supervisor kim so at this time im going to call forward the applicants. We do have a number of applicants, 15 applicants for six seats. Im going to limit your time to two minutes; i apologize but i want to get through this in a timely manner. I will call two names at a time. The first is adalene tony. Hello. Nice to see you all today. My name is antonio, i work at the coalition of homelessness. I just moved last week. Ive been homeless since i was 15, im now 20, five years. My daughter is 15 months old; she was born homeless; i speak spanish, french, portuguese. I can help in that area. Havi