There are things that we can do to help protect our planet this week we introduce you to the people and project were making this happen hello welcome to eco india im sunk that im coming to you from my neighborhood in mumbai now 70 percent of fruit india still depends on agriculture as the main source of livelihood for us weve got all from the information on best practices in farming and this brought you to move results but a Development Organization is using the fall wolf because knowledge to empower Small Farmers in the heart and help lift them out of poverty. Then youre going to look at it from farmer to filmmaker its an unusual career jump but beyond that her medical man made. His latest film focuses on how to protect eggplant crops from pests. You have a very healthy plan for keep using nimoy every 7 to 10 days to keep pests away many of. Whom are began to see that film could be a great tool for spreading information in his Community Farmers in bihar in North East India have strugg