administration and the president. i think the president going to israel wanted to send a signal, first that his close relationship to israel is not only one of long standing but it is driven by a deep emotional attachment and a deep emotional commitment to israel. so i think first things first, he wanted to communicate that way which she felt. maybe this is not been understood sufficiently by the israeli public. i think the second thing is that he wanted to make it clear when it comes to israeli security the us and israel are going to be collaborating a lot. they are going to co produce what is known as iron being. they have created a laser defensive system that can knock down incoming missiles and drones. and it changes the cost ratio of offence and defence. defensive missiles are
i guessed x-men, anything with men and it is apparently on the chopping block. i don t think we can call them men anymore. not if you want to be inclusive. the new marvel president victoria alonso in 2019 suggested dropping the men from x-men, calling that outdated. the same year they flipped this into a movie. listen. i can t remember the last time you were risking something. and by the way, the men are always saving the men around here. you might want to change the name to ex-women. maybe x folks might be a better name. maybe spider person, iron being, or antx, if you can have latinx. i know kids will come at all because people will get a