The House Select Intelligence Committee hearing is nearly three hours. [inaudible conversations] the committee will come to order. Without objection the chairman to click a any time. Today, we come together to discuss the intelligence communities to 124 annual threat assessment. We begin with an open session and is been broadcast live and stream on the committees you tube channel. The open session is entirely unclassified, all participants are reminded to refrain from discussing classified information or other information protected from public disclosure. On the conclusion of the open session we were recess and resume in the closed session in the Committee Hearing room at two p. M. Or immediately following the first vote series currently scheduled from 1 30 that you can come pick it his intention to proceed with us and without any disruptions. Any disruption of the committee will result in the United States Capitol Police restoring order and the protesters will be renewed and arrested.
Today were here to discuss the stake owners at the national Highway Safety administration in the Greenhouse Gas emission standards this program was established by congress in 1975. The goals are to improve fuel economy and secure the Nations Energy and independence. It has undergone changes and modifications both because of political and economic forces. Lesson ten years ago the pa was said to incentivize more efficient vehicles to use less fuel and Carbon Dioxide. States have enacted standards with respect to automobile omissions. This has created a complicated regulatory scheme. Improving efficiency and Energy Independence are important. Realworld fashion data must have an impact on the farreaching economy. The Previous Administration announced an attempt to create a National Standard to Work Together to avoid conflicting regulations. Whatever progress has been made epa issued a final determination for model year 2022 and 2025 is appropriate. They took the actions out clearly undermi
Espn2. Greenhousearing on gas standards on vehicles and how its affecting the industry. This is just over two hours. Well, good morning. Today we are here to talk about the fuel program in the Greenhouse Gas emission standards at the u. S. Epa. This program was established by congress in 1975. The goals of the program are to improve fuel economy, reduce oil consumption, and secure the Nations Energy independence. It has gone through major changes in the past four decades because of political and economic forces. Less than 10 years ago, the epa standards are created to incentivize the production of more efficient vehicles that will use less fuel and less Carbon Dioxide. Various states have enacted their own standards relation to automobile omissions. Behind theseon garments are created in a complicated rep. Torres came. Energy independence important goal but realworld facts and must drive her to tory choices. Choices. Regulatory there is an attempt to create a National Standard guard to
The presiding officer a quorum is not present. Mr. Mcconnell ask to instruct the sergeant to request the presence of senators and ask for the yeas and nays. The presiding officer is there a sufficient second . There is. The clerk will call the roll. Vote vote the presiding officer anyone wishing to vote or change their vote . If not the ayes are 79, the nays are 14. The motion is agreed to. A quorum is present. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President . The presiding officer the majority leader. Mr. Mcconnell mr. President i move to table amendment number 2329. The presiding officer the question is on the motion to table. All those in favor say aye. All opposed no. The ayes appear to have it. The ayes do have it. The motion is agreed to. The democratic leader. Mr. Reid i raise a germaneness point of order against amendment 2328. Ill repeat that. I raise a germaneness point of order against amendment 2328. The presiding officer the point of order is sustained. The amendment falls. The question now o
A 42nd meeting is called to order. The agenda for this meeting is nonperipheral Asian Peoples nonperipheralation. With provision of i invite theedure, republic of korea to participate in this meeting. It is so decided. The Security Council will now begin. In consideration with item two of the agenda. Members have before them, document sguest landmark cases host sen. Lankford s s 717. The council is ready to proceed to the volts to the votes. Draft to thehe vote now. Will those in favor of the draft resolution contend in document hand. Please raise their the result of the voting is as followed. The draft resolution received 15 votes in favor. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously. And now give the floor to those who wants the council to make to the vote. I give the floor to the representative of the u. S. Thank you mr. President , and thank you for calling this meeting and allowing us to have this vote. Images from space of northeast asia of night show brightness and prosper