[inaudible conversations] lets get started and i will have a conversation about the private sector in afghanistan we have been doing a series of events over the last year we recently hosted a couple of weeks ago we could not have done this about the of partnership and as a friend thinks for everything. We will have been interesting and conversation today when i think about people who were qualified for their jobs and the right people at the right time i cannot think of the of better person turning afghanistan around that usa id. To serve some of the toughest places in the world a patriot and a friend a qualified individual they got he raised his hand to do public service. [applause] it is very nice to see my old friends here in the audience is a particular that has been done in afghanistan for those of you that i have not met and i would like to say some words about the south asia strategy with the very few point on how that applies to usaid role and i will mention in pakistan and then
Bev w weve been doing a series. We recently hosted Abdullah Abdullah about two weeks ago. Before that we couldnt have done this without tony we thing thanks very much, tony, for everything. I think were going to have an interesting and constructive conversation today. When i think about people who are qualified for their jobs or the right people at the right time, i cant think of a better person than my friend greg. Fz who served both in pakistan and afghanistan has served some of the toughest places in the World United States of america. Greg ess a friend, a a patriot, a really qualified individual. Thank god he has raised his hand and agreed to do Public Service again. Come on up here. Give him a round of applause. Its very nice to see many of my old friends here in the audience. Particular lilymy friend from cairo who did, who has done a lot of the things that need to be done or might be done in afghanistan so great to see all of you and i look forward to meeting those of you who i
Lets get started. Im dan runde. I hold the chair here at csis. Were going to have a conversation about the private sector in afghanistan. We have been doing a series of events on afghanistan over the last year. We recently hosted Abdullah Abdullah about two weeks ago. We couldnt have done this without the partnership of ambassador tony weng, the Senior Adviser here. Thank you for everything. I think were going to have an interesting and constructive conversation today. When i think about people who are qualified for their jobs or the right people at the right time, i cant think of a better person than my friend greg uygur. Fz who served both in pakistan and afghanistan has served some of the toughest places in the world for the United States of america. Greg is a friend. Greg is a patriot. Greg is a really qualified individual. Thank god that greg uygur has raised his hand and agreed to do Public Service again. Thank you very much. Come on up here. Give him a round of applause. [ appla
Attorneys. A lot of work has been done, which was not captured in this report. I wanted to give her more credit. Thank you. It was held on monday. So it was after we published this and so the chair will normally report out the activities of the february Board Meeting. Thank you, commissioner. Those documents will go to the board in february for approval. Thats what we discussed already. Thank you for acknowledgment. For all the work shes put into it. Any other questions or comments from the board . Seeing none, were open it up to Public Comment. Any of the public that would like to address the commission . Seeing none, well close Public Comment. Mr. Secretary, next item. Next item is item 11, review and approval of revised resolution 44, excuetory authority. Were introducing b. The name weve added is justin lowe who has recently been successful in being promoted well, not recently. Its been over a year, but with tonya going out on her maternity leave, we want to make sure that we inclu
That would like to address the commission . Seeing none, well close public are we ready . Closed session, is there a motion not to disclose . I will make the motion. Is there a second . Second. Can we take the item without objection . Item passes. Mr. Secretary, next item. General floor comment. Before we go general Public Comment, i want to make a quick announcement. I think there was confusion as to the agenda on todays meeting. Theres nothing today on fossil fuel investment. That meeting is on the 24th, as posted on the website. We apologize for any confusion. First, john furland. Two or three minutes . Two minutes. I wanted to comment on the ci reports. There was a great start in the absolute return section of the report. Im happy because ive supported that for almost three years now. Secondly, theres nothing in the report on well, one phrase on risk. And so, were in the middle of an extremely complacent meltup phase, which Jeremy Graham just wrote about. Nobody knows the results.