Never worked anywhere in the world, and its not going to work here. Their answer to everything is big government. Well, there are two different points of view here, and i have to tell you i used to be on their side when i was a young fellow, when i was raised in poverty and came up the hard way and learned a trade and became a journeyman metal lather, which was one of the most Skilled Trades at the time. I have to say that these haunting refrains were used by democrats back then too, but look at this country and the mess its in, and its in a mess because of their philosophy. Weve got to change it. I admit with him that the Business Committee isnt always right and they are not always the best to spend our money, but the best to spend our money, but. The senate will soon vote on legislation on the broken tax code. And to provide significantie relief for tens of millions of middleclass families. And as we move to consider this legislation we will take another step that is a bipartisan goa
The speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 389, the nays are 2. 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed, and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Without objection the title is amended. The Unfinished Business is the question on suspending the rules and passing h r. 4671 as amended which the clerk will report by title. The clerk h. R. 4671, a bill to require multiline telephone ystems to have a default configuration allowing a person to dial 911 without dialing any prefix, code or other numbers. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Without objection the title amended. The Unfinished Business is the question on suspending the rules and passing h. R. 2589 as amended which the clerk will report by title. The clerk Union Calendar number 451, a bill to amend the Communications
Order. Recognize other member seeking recognition for one minute each. We will hear from our witnesses and we thank them for their patience and understanding. That goes for the audience as well. We have had 16 votes. We thank you for the time. The witnesses prepared statements will be made a part of the record. Members have five days to insert statements and questions for the record subject to the length in the rules. Before we begin, i would like to give my sincere condolences to the family and friends of the five american troops who were killed in afghanistan just yesterday recently. No words can adequately express the debt of gratitude that we owe to those brave troops and our thoughts and prayers are certainly with them and their families at this troubling time. The chair recognizes herself for five minutes. Lessons learned from the u. S. Stabilization of the reconstruction operation in iraq. The purpose of that hearing was to examine the final report to get a better understanding
Welcome back to the august 134, 2013 meeting of the San Francisco board of appeal, we are calling item 5c which is a rehearing request, the subject property is at 730 crestline drive, the board received a alerted from kenda macintosh requesting rehearing for appeal number number 13 f 062 t. P. E. N. A. Versus dbi, pda, decided july 17, 2013. At that time, the board voted 41 commissioner fung dissented, to grant the appeal and overturn the permit on the following preserve and protect the character and stability of the vista francisco development and it will not be an orderly and beneficial infill project in the vista francisco development, 2, the project if approved will result in an inappropriate precedent or expectation for similar infill projts elsewhere in the vista francisco development and 3, the boards Authority Pursuant to article 1 section 26 of the San Francisco business and tax regulations code to consider the projects effect on surrounding properties and residents. The appel
Urge you to grant the jurisdiction request so that the community can have a say and we dont allow jack or kate spade to sneak into the neighborhood, i would like to add two points, one is that there are several merchants on 16th street who signed the letter of jurisdiction request, were unable to make it tonight including michael cats whos right across the street and the roxy, several other businesses that have been there for a long time, sf made a nonprofit that supports [inaudible] in San Francisco has a Service Helping place locally owned businesses into spaces so if this space becomes available, they will be very enthusiastic to help a merchant go into that space very quickly. Thank you. Any other speakers, step forward, please. Thank you, my name is karen hoek and im the leasing representative for the owner of the building where jack spade has a lease, and i just want to make a correction, ive heard today that sorry, im not sure youre able to speak. The rule is if you have a finan