1. In this systematic review, the main factors influencing contraceptive choice included parity, education, and personal and family beliefs about contraception. 2. Additionally, contraceptive method choice was influenced by sociocultural factors, such as religion. Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent) Contraception remains an important topic for women who wish to remain sexually active in the postpartum
For women with excessive menstrual blood loss, the contraceptive levonorgestrel 52 mg delivered via an intrauterine device (IUD) reduced monthly blood loss.
1. In this randomized clinical trial, participants underwent postpartum intrauterine device (IUD) placement at early (14-28 days) or interval (42-56 days) and found no clinically meaningful difference in complete IUD expulsion rates between the groups. 2. Partial expulsion occurred in 9.4% of participants in the early placement group and 7.6% in the interval placement group,