such owner is wearing on lawmakers, particularly those up for reelection in 2020. i m frustrated in the situation that we have gone to this point where both sides appear to be an intransigent. it is not a sign of weakness to try to figure out a middle ground. the house republican chair says it is time for nancy pelosi and her team to get serious. instead of playing games, they should agree to do what they did in the past, upright appropriations to secure the border. they look into the squeeze on president trump and his team. their leaders are not taking impeachment off the table, just say not right now. if and when the time comes for impeachment, it will have to be something at such a crescendo and a bipartisan way. the chairman says he plans to hold hearings on the president s national security strategy. the main thing that i want to focus on the hearings that we have coming up once we get our
but is it accumulating for you to the point that you re running out of patience? government shutdowns are never good policy. and we have had them in the obama administration. we ve had them in president trump s administration. we should always get the appropriation bills signed into law before the start of the fiscal year so that neither side can use the threat of a shutdown or the reality of a shutdown as a political weapon. okay. but i guess what is your level of satisfaction with how the president is conducting himself in office? that s where i m getting. are you losing patience with his conduct? well, i m frustrated in the situation that we ve gotten to this point where both sides appear to be intransigent. it s not a sign of weakness to try to figure out a middle ground. and i think that both sides need
in washington. our panel. tom, molly, and charles. by the way, i mai have to interrupt you in a couple of moments. the new speaker is about to have a news conference on the hill. we are waiting for that. we will dip in when she starts speaking. charles, what do you think about the president saying we will surprise a lot of people and get a lot of stuff done? it would be a surprise if he got a lot done with nancy pelosi. it s an olive branch that he has extended to her before. there was the famous chuck and nancy have a great idea episode a while back. it didn t last this long. it s part of a strategy of the white house to show the president wants to compromise and the democrats are the ones who are intransigent is here. that s part of the larger game
have a, quote, win is to say, we ve worked out a framework to talk about this. we ve worked out a time line to talk about this. and then trump, if this goes well, can walk away and say, this is a success. however, you know tough language. and, again, going back to the opening remarks. the guidance to all these leaders coming from the argentinan president was, you know, you have to in the negotiations respect one another s views. it takes a long time to get consensus and agreement. you cannot do it in a day. but it does come down to respect. and i think that, you know, when one side takes a tough line, even if china is being intransigent as well take a look at this now. you see president putin of russia, arriving now for this dinner here at the g20 summit in buenos aires. you know, it s going to be important, unfortunately, michelle, this dinner, we re going to see we re not going to see anything, because cameras are not going to be allowed inside. it s closed-door. so we re n
theater. he is going to solve a problem. what s most important is what s discussed and clarity and strength and resolve of this president and administration to achieve the outcome that americans so desperately deserve. we are expecting national security adviser hr mcmaster to brief security counsel tomorrow. let s pick up on the mount that mike pompeo is talking about there. what is the presentation tomorrow and pfrom the presiden regarding this meeting? i think most important thing isn t what is said at meeting. the north koreans will be intransigent. what is important is we are having the meeting. south korean president wanted this. he is our ally. most important thing is to maintain strong relations with seoul. overriding reality is that the united states and south korea is much stronger than countries on the other side, china and north korea. so as long as we maintain those relations with the south koreans, we re okay. and going to the meeting, that s good enough. so i think it