A northeaster had just dumped two inches of snow. At Block Island’s Old Harbor, fishermen labored shoveling white powder out of their vessels. As this was January 1942 however, the
A northeaster had just dumped two inches of snow. At Block Island’s Old Harbor, fishermen labored shoveling white powder out of their vessels. As this was January 1942 however, the talk of the locals on Block Island, like any American community, was.
It didn’t take long for the news to spread on Block Island that a man jumped off of the ferry on Tuesday, Jan. 10 as the boat was heading from the island to Point Judith. “I just got a text,” was the utterance of one person whose spouse was on the.
As if to prove a point, Mother Nature unleashed a whopper of a storm just a few days after the New Shoreham Sea Level Rise Committee’s December meeting. The storm that started late Thursday night did most of its damage locally during the high tide.
In the recently digitized Elizabeth Ann Evans collection is a small newspaper clipping. It reads in part, “The recent misfortune of the Nelseco II , which broke her crank shaft when entering Newport harbor on Sunday, resulted in the most.