Island Free Library Programs The Island Free Library invites everyone to participate in the programs listed below. More information and Zoom links available at Library Hours: The Library will remain open for in-person browsing.
A recent kerfuffle between and the United States Post Office had Block Islanders worried that their packages might not get delivered, but that is not the case. Amazon has contracts with UPS, FedEx and the Post Office for delivery to.
The following letter to Josh Linda of Interstate Navigation was copied to The Block Island Times : Dear Mr. Linda, The Board and volunteers of Helping Hands wish to again thank you for the amazing support you have provided to our.
The Lighthouse Inn in Point Judith has greeted Block Islanders as they exit the ferry for decades. Unfortunately, it has also become an eyesore in recent years. The Lighthouse Inn, formerly the Dutch Inn, has been closed since 2015. The land is.