Among the judges was merrick garland, a former Supreme Court nominee and chief justice of the d. C. Circuit court of appeals. This is an hour. Thank you and good evening for joining us. The winter mock trial is presented by the group we call ourselves the bar association. It is the Infinity Group that has lawyers a try to do toething more productive support theatre in all kinds of ways. Theater is what we are using the stage for. Beingnight is currently performed here. It runs until the 20th. [applause] i hope, if you havent seen it at least twice, you will consider coming. 12th night, by the way, is not how long it takes for the reconciliation action reconciliation act takes. Stranded on the coast of elyria, viola and her twin brother sebastian become separated. While viola assumes the costume of a page boy named cesarean to be the page for duke orsino, she finds herself at the center of a very explosive love triangle with a sophisticated they are wrong to think of us in that way. In
Jonathan director of roosevelt house who is in albany this evening. So were very excited to have ken whyte here to talk about his biography of hoover. And also to have amity shlaes to interview him. This is not a house in Herbert Hoover historically or in the present day talked about often or usually too kindly. So one thing that i want to say about ken whyte in the introduction to his book says that indictment and advocacy shape and often overwhelm the story of the man, Herbert Hoover. I think there has been more indictment of Herbert Hoover in these halls than anywhere else perhaps because franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt lived here in new york in this house during the 1932 campaign. So i think well hear a different story of the 1932 campaign than you might have heard them interpret it as being. We met earlier in the franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt library on the second floor which is where Franklin Roosevelt met with prospective cabinet members after the 1932 election. I have a feeling
To learn about the National World war i museum and memorial built to preserve the history of what was then called the great war and to honor the americans who served. Im matt naylor. This memorial and museum is such a striking image on the kansas city skyline and what a great story goes with that. It was in 1919, soon after the november 1918 armistice that a group of Business Leaders gathered and said lets do something to honor to war dead of kansas city and create a tribute for peace. What you see behind me is the outcome of that. A Fund Raising Campaign that lasted only two weeks that raised more than 2. 5 million. The equivalent today of about 40 million. Then the people gathering here on this side in 1921 with a five allied commanders, about 100,000 people in a city of about 250,000, and then the remarkable memorial being constructed and opening with president coolidge in 1926 and the people of the Community Gathering here. At that time about 150,000 people. Said to be the largest
Host both the exhibit and the talk. As soon as we receive the email proposing an exhibit for our library, we knew we wanted to be apart. As im sure everyone in this room is well aware, michelle attended Princeton University just up the street from 1981 to 1985. It did seem fitting to have these photographs in the Public Library where she spent four years of her early life and to take part in the book tour that looks at her life in the white house. V thanks also to the art council of princeton, especially maria mark for expertly hanging the photographs in our reading room for us. The exhibit will be on view through december 3. Of course, thanks are also in order for coming on site to handle the book signing that will follow the talk and discussion. We invite everyone to visit the reading room which is just across the hallway so that you can see the photos at close and personal once we are finished with the formal part of the evening. It is my great pleasure to introduce amanda, per she
Much it seemed as if there was really no alternative. It kind of didnt matter what you thought of capitalism, just like it doesnt really matter what you think of human mortality. It was an inevitable fact of life after the fall of communism. If you aregine coming of age now, it seems that just as communism has failed, capitalism has now failed. Ofare governed by this cabal comic book villain oligarchs, while people are forced to wear diapers at their factories because they arent given bathroom breaks. Even the one thing that used to be able to say for capitalism, that it was supposed to be efficient at allocating capital, is clearly not true at a time when wages are stagnant, while tens of millions or hundreds of millions are investing in Silicon Valley startups. Im interested in this debate. Im interested to see if either side can talk me out of my sense of despair and total futility. [laughter] im grateful to cooper union for giving us this historic great hall to have this in. It was