jaipur, prime minister narendra modi on saturday dedicated and laid the foundation stones of development projects worth more than rs 24,300 crore in rajasthan’s bikaner district. modi dedicated to people the six-lane greenfiel
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone and dedicated to the nation development projects worth over Rs 24,300 crore in Bikaner, Rajasthan today. The projects include the dedication of the six-lane Greenfield Expressway sectio
According to BJP spokesperson Prakash Reddy, the projects launched during the event will create job opportunities for over 3,000 people and foster industrial development in Warangal.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday laid the foundation stones of various infrastructure development projects worth Rs 6100 crore in Warangal and lauded the people of Telangana for their "great contribution" in the history of India. "The state of Telangana may be a new one. But the contribution of Telangana and its people in the history of India has always been great," he said after laying the foundation stones of various projects.