His body bullet ridden after the raids. He had to be identified by his prince, although its unknown whether Police Bullets or his apparentcousins suicide belt ultimately is the reason he was killed. We now have some incredible video of the suicide explosion and the frantic few seconds leading up to it. Police now searching the home of this female suicide bombers mother. Today more raids and more arrests in and around brussels, belgium. Most were tied to a suicide bomber who struck the soccer stadium here in paris. Parliament is one step closer to enacting an unprecedented threemonth state of emergency that would give police much broader power s s to go. After terrorist suspects. The nypd is a ls deploying more antiterrorism squad members throughout that city after newly released isis videos threatened attacks there as well as in france and rome. Joining us now is nic robertson. What more are you learn iing abt this raid yesterday morning and the death of this individual who some call a
In a moment, carter page, who first denied and now admitted to meeting with moscows man in washington will clarify what that was about. First latest from jim acosta. Reporter when then candidate donald trump delivered a Foreign Policy speech in washington last april, Russian Ambassador to the u. S. Sergey kislyak was in the audience listening in as the real estate tycoon calld for better relations with the kremlin. I believe an easing of tensions, improved relss with russia from a position of strength only is possible, absolutely possible. Reporter three months later former Campaign Adviser j. D. Gordon tells cnn he and Foreign Affairs correspondent, Jill Dougherty policy adviser carter page discussed u. S. Russia relations with the ambassador. Jared kush merer in and Michael Flynn also sat down with the ambassador at a previously undisclosed meeting at trump tower in december. Now republicans are saying its time for bhiswhite house offici to tell all. I think everybody ooh whos had an
I think the republicans will be very proud of it. The senate bill made some substantial improvements over the house bill but well work through those when we get to a Conference Committee with the house. We dont want to ignore our Democrat Friends as well. I hope they will get off their duffs and work with us instead of voting in block. There is growing momentum and im confident well get it done soon, get it to the president s desk and the president is eagerly looking forward to signing it. Sandra we have fox team coverage. Newt gingrich standing by first but we start with john roberts live on the north lawn. Good morning to you. Happy week after thanksgiving. The president headed up to the hill for the second time to sell tax reform. This time to the Senate Republican caucus. The president will be meeting with them to try to push it across the finish line today. Two senators are nos at the moment. Senator steve daines of montana joins senator johnson of wisconsin. They have a problem t
New laws legalize police state operations in Germany
Part one: The new Verfassungsschutz Law and the new Federal Intelligence Agency Law
Germany’s ruling Grand Coalition of the Christian Democratic Union, Christian Social Union and Social Democratic Party has used the final parliamentary sessions of the current legislative period to massively expand the powers of the country’s police and intelligence agencies. Largely unnoticed by the public, the Bundestag has passed a total of nine related laws and amendments.
Headquarters of the BND in Berlin Mitte (Image: Olaf Kosinsky / CC-BY-SA 3.0)
The new government to be formed after the federal election due this autumn will have at its disposal a technically highly equipped surveillance apparatus, with powers the likes of which have not been seen in Germany since the end of the Nazi regime. The state security apparatus (nicknamed Stasi) of the former East Germany, with its network of neighbourhood snoopers and its note box system, ap